We only get one Earth, so we should do the most we can in order to preserve it. That being said, many people still do not take the environment as seriously as they should. Some do not care, and others are unconcerned about its lasting effects, while there are those that wouldn’t mind doing something about it, but simply cannot be bothered as it disrupts their way of life. However, there are several small things that people can do to help the environment that prove to be little to no inconvenience.

Power Down Environment

How many lights are on in your house right now? Now how many of those lights are being used? What about TVs or game consoles? You don’t have to live in a cave, but don’t make a habit of leaving lights on throughout the house when nobody is in the room. A simple flip of the switch on your way out is all it takes, and not only will you be saving electricity, but your bill will start to go down too! Many marketing companies, such as Helix, are attempting to tap into the Generation Z youth in order to promote products that are both environmentally friendly and innovative. Items that reduce energy expenditure or contain eco-friendly and energy-saving modes are being used in more and more technology every day.

Turn Off the Faucet

Think about your morning routine for a moment. When you brush your teeth, do you leave the faucet on the entire time? While this might not seem like a big deal, the amount of water that is wasted twice a day, every day for a year, really adds up. Now think about if everyone did this and how much water is simply flowing down the drain. Try to make a habit of turning the sink off after you wet your toothbrush, and only turn it on again when you are finished. This is a convenient way to save water because it only takes a literal second of your time. The same could be said when you are washing dishes, or warming up the shower, which is fine as long as you don’t leave it running for minutes before you hop in. After doing a combination of these water-saving techniques, you’ll be surprised how much money you save at the end of the year on your water bill.

Reduce Waste Environment

You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle,” and for good reason Environment. If everyone did this, our planet would be in a much better state than it is right now, and it doesn’t even have to be inconvenient, either! Simply being self-aware about the number of resources you use in your everyday life can make it a natural part of your day, rather than a chore. Counting the squares of toilet paper you use rather than gathering a pointless wad, reusing plastic bags from the store or taking your own reusable ones, and purchasing paper or metal straws are all ways to reduce used resources. If you go out to eat, tell your waiter you don’t need a straw if you don’t intend to use one, otherwise, health codes require that they throw the unopened straw away regardless of if it was used or not. When you have recyclable materials it’s a good rule of thumb to do so.

Closing Thoughts

We all have to do our part in saving the planet, and if we do it right, we might even be able to save a dollar or two along the way. If turning off our faucets while we brush our teeth or flipping off the lights when we’re not using them is too much to ask, there isn’t much hope for the future. But there are still those that care and want to make a difference, and more and more of those people are influencing the people around them every day. With any luck, we may just stay on this beautiful blue orb a little longer.

Source: greenprophet