Agricultural problems in Pakistan and their solution

Agricultural problems in Pakistan and their solution

There are multiple solution to agricultural problems in Pakistan, but mostly run around use of modern technology and get benefit of modern agricultural techniques.

Agriculture is the main income source for Pakistan, The total area of Pakistan is 79.6 million acres, of which 23.7 million acres is agricultural land, which constitutes 28% of the total area. Of this, 8 million acres have fallen into disuse due to non-cultivation, it’s environment and weather are also the best zones for agriculture.

More than 75% of the country’s population engaged in agriculture. Agriculture accounts for 22% of the country’s foreign exchange.

The cotton, wheat, sugarcane and rice crops grown in Pakistan are of special importance in foreign markets. And the country earns valuable foreign exchange through these crops. Despite this, the pace of development of the country’s agricultural sector is very slow. Other countries in the world are producing more than us.

If we consider the obstacles to agricultural development, there are many reasons. Farmers are being burdened by inflation, fertilizer is not only becoming more expensive but also disappears in the days of cultivation, other agricultural inputs are also becoming more expensive due to rising prices of diesel and kerosene.

In recent days, the price of urea fertilizer has gone up to, Rs2200 while the price of DAP has gone up by more than Rs 11450 per 50 kg. In crop cultivation day’s the chemicals are sold in different prices.

Majority’s of our farmers are uneducated and unaware of modern methods. Due to lack of agricultural education, the farmers cannot control the various diseases of crops and attacks of pests and insects.

The result is low yields. They do not know much about the use of pesticides, selection of quality seeds and proper use of synthetic fertilizers. As a result, their yield per acre is very low in terms of the needs of the country.

Most of the farmers, believe only in the traditional farming methods they have learned from their elders. Using new and advanced technology, farmers can get better yields.

In a nutshell, without agriculture, neither the wheel of industry can run nor the of fixed growth rate and growth and prosperity parameters can be ensured. Floods in Pakistan over the years due to lack of dams and rains have added to farmers’ woes.

There are multiple solution to agricultural problems in Pakistan, but mostly run around use of modern technology and get benefit of modern agricultural techniques.

Over and above, the solution starts from the government end. At government level, funds for the agricultural sector should be increased, and special incentives should be announced.

Improve water supply to farmers and find alternative sources of irrigation. After consulting the farmers, should fix the prices, keeping in view the production cost of each crop.

In use of modern farming methods, construction of dams should be done without delay, so that water can be stored and energy can be generated from it.

Provide interest free loans to farmers and provide financial assistance to small farmers; control the supply of substandard seeds and pesticides; latest machinery should be provided to the farmers to increase the per acre yield.

This should be on easy installments so that the farmers can avoid the burden of loans. If possible, subsidy should be given by the government on modern machinery.

The modern techniques of irrigation can also play an important role to solve the agricultural problems in Pakistan. This includes drip irrigation and sprinkle irrigation methods.

By using this technique the farmers can save a huge some money which he pays for irrigation through tube wells and tractor’s. A product program must be constituted to adjust and support prices.

These and other solutions can tackle the agricultural problems in Pakistan, and harness benefits not only for farmers, but also for the whole nation.