University Of Oxford Ranks First In World For Computer Science

University Of Oxford Has Been Ranked First In The World For Computer Science In The Times Higher Education 2022

University Of Oxford Ranks First In World For Computer Science

For the second year running the University of Oxford has been ranked first in the world for Computer Science in the Times Higher Education 2022 World University Rankings. 891 universities from 75 countries and regions are ranked for Computer Science. With Europe claiming 31 of the top 100 positions and an impressive 82 of the top 200. The University of Cambridge and Switzerland’s EHT Zurich claimed joint fourth. Prof. Leslie Ann Goldberg, head of Computer Science, said “I’m very pleased with this continuing recognition of the outstanding teaching and research taking place in our department.’’

The Department is one of the longest-established Computer Science departments in the world and is the home to a community of world-class research and teaching. Research activities encompass core Computer Science (algorithms, data, programming languages, and artificial intelligence), as well as human-centred computing, automated verification, computational biology, cyber physical systems, quantum computing and security. Its research is focused on methods for solving problems using computers and the design of programming languages and computational systems. It brings together world-class minds with external partners – combining rigorous theory and practical applications.

 Recent research projects include:

  1. A new technology that will pilot the detection of flood events from space. The work is a first step towards relaying real time information from space to disaster response teams during flood events and could significantly improving disaster response operations.
  2. Harnessing new machine leaning techniques to identify individual lion roars. This ability, to remotely evaluate the number of individual lions in a population from their roars, could revolutionise the way in which lion populations are assessed.
  3. Created an AI algorithm that for the first time allows us to see, in high resolution, the Moon’s polar regions that are home to craters and other depressions that never receive sunlight.

This news was originally published at Eurek Alert