Huawei Releases New Features for Its Google Maps Alternative

The Google Maps replacement is called Petal Maps, and despite being still in the beta stage, the apps keep getting better and better, as the updates Huawei rolls out typically introduce new functionality for users out there.

Huawei Releases New Features for Its Google Maps Alternative

By Bogdan Popa

Due to the restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, Huawei is no longer allowed to use software and hardware from American companies, including here the licensed version of Android and Google services.

This means Huawei devices can no longer come with Google apps pre-loaded, so the Chinese tech giant has decided to develop its very own alternatives to provide users with worthy software anyway.

The Google Maps replacement is called Petal Maps, and despite being still in the beta stage, the apps keep getting better and better, as the updates Huawei rolls out typically introduce new functionality for users out there.

The most recent update brings Petal Maps to version 1.10, and according to the official changelog, it includes a bunch of new capabilities, such as an instant overview of conditions for the whole route that you configure in the app. This should make it easier to determine whether you’ll come across heavy traffic jams along your route without even starting driving.

Then, Petal Maps now comes with a commute card to display journey times and traffic conditions, so if you use the app regularly, such information certainly comes in handy.

And if you do rely on Petal Maps for regular navigation, there’s more coming in this update, as Huawei has added support for multiple stops. In other words, you can configure a multi-stop route, just like in Google Maps, so you no longer have to set up a new destination every time you start driving.

The voice navigation has also received a massive update, as Petal Maps now supports no less than 40 languages following this new update.

Originally published at Auto evolution