Yes, clean water is more important than energy.  The whole world considers it a more important asset and water assets have become a fantastic issue everywhere around the globe.

By Arsalan Ahmad

Clean energy is World one of the primary issues but it becomes secondary when the war is on survival. Yes, clean water is more important than energy.  The whole world considers it a more important asset and water resources have become a fantastic issue everywhere around the globe. There is a number of reasons due to which this natural issue raises in the whole world. Pakistan is also not free from the identical danger of lowering water resources on the surface and the underground. The two primary resources behind additions of water in the country involve downpours and ice melting from mountains. Finally, this adds to surface and underground water.

Pakistan has a large number of glacial mountains than anywhere in the world. The area of Pakistan is in the Indus Stream bowl despite that it is in peril of extreme water shortage. The downpour of Pakistan is still in a good state. But, surface and underground water are progressively in trouble and have high dry spell conditions. Further, Pakistan features with a large area of agribusiness that requires an immense water system for water-escalated crops like rice. The water transmission framework is almost obsolete, and this is another reason for the shortage of water assets. Basically, very small water is put away on the surface and practically nothing is for repositories in exciting water offices. 

Condition of Dams in Pakistan

The most terrible component of the country’s water assets gains global attention in the year 2018. It recommended that Pakistan could defy water shortage by 2025. Moreover, Pakistan’s most dominant Mangla and Tarbela Dams come to stockpiling state on just a single event, this depicts a more disturbing situation.

With the high need to deal with water scarcity, the Pakistani Government recently approves 10 dams for the next 10 years to compensates for extreme dams needs. Therefore, group subsidizing techniques get overall public interests to construct new dams but again restricted capacity expands water shortage. Previously, Pakistan consists of 30 days long storage capacity which cannot restrain water accessible during seasonal rains. Additionally, adds flooding because still there are not enough dams to accommodate the overabundance of water.

Water Accord

Water resources in Pakistan are overseen at a basic level, showing another problem with water management. In 1991 Water accord named Albeit abated various common worries through the arrangement of water execution. Basically, this is directly managed by Indus Stream Framework Authority (IRSA) but it is unseen and has very few screen streams in case of issues. Additionally, the impact of IRSA expands only within specific course failure to affect the needs due to which its powerlessness causing a continuous decrease in water assets. 

At last but not least, through practical “10 dams in 10 years” plan and different endeavours changes can cover necessary obligations. By decreasing wasteful administration can further improve the prospect of excellent water administration and management.

By Arsalan Ahmad

Arsalan Ahmad is a Research Engineer working on 2-D Materials, graduated from the Institute of Advanced Materials, Bahaudin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. LinkedIn: