
In Thar, unemployment is the biggest problem facing today’s youth. The situation has worsened in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Skilled young people also face problems, they do not have a long way to utilize their skills. The lack of policy to enhance youth skills is also a demotivating factor. 

By Shewa Ram Suthar

On July 15, 2021, World Youth Skills Day was celebrated at village Bhada Sandha of Tehsil chachro, Tharparkar.  The event revolved around the global theme of “Reimagining Youth Skills Post-Pandemic” which seeks to highlight the resilience and innovation of youth during the COVID-19 crisis.

It aims to celebrate the resilience and creativity of youth throughout the crises and to focus on the possibilities of future opportunities that will enhance their abilities, skills and help them further in income generation. Because 2020 was the worst year and there was no opportunity in which all the youth suffered a lot.  This year, under TDH funded project, AWARE would create many opportunities to train youth in the skills they want.

The AWARE Team Representative Mr. Murtaza Jokhio said that; “World Youth Skills Day” is celebrated for the resilience and creativity of youth and assess the situation of young people regarding skills and work for better opportunities.  He highlighted success stories with the best examples of how young people succeeded and fulfilled their dreams. He added that the AWARE with the support of TDH has planned to provide the vocational skill training to youths and will train the 300 men and women in a project area, to meet youth challenges and find better opportunities in the future. 

Mr. Sarwan kumar, a local community activist, said the pandemic had made life worse for almost all of our young people who had lost their jobs due to COVID-19, and that economic losses had halted local businesses. Our youth have no technical skills and are not even more educated, which is why we are facing challenges,” he added. He further said: “It is indeed a blessing that now with the kind support of AWARE, our youth will learn and enhance their skills through in-house vocational training and after the vocational skills training, our young people will be trained with technical skills and they will be able to start a business, or create a source of income or find a job.AWARE efforts will help us reduce unemployment, start small businesses, establish market linkages, and enhance the capabilities of women in our rural areas through modern door-to-door embroidery techniques.

Ms. Amari Kumari a woman from the community addressed the issue of the pandemic situations and the difficulties of women. She said: “Women face many challenges when earning resources reduced. Women also work inside and outside their homes to contribute to the family income. Yet, when we face food insecurity, a woman is subjected to domestic violence and inhumane treatment.

The AWARE initiative of vocational training will help us to increase our expertise in modern techniques in the development of embroidery and market linkages to generate various sources of income.

 AWARE’s initiate will help us to enhance our skills in modern technics in embroidery and market linkages development, to generate different income resources. In order to cope with a pandemic situation, women should take part in making pickles, saving a little at home, engage in poultry and develop kitchen gardens that may supplement our families when we face this type of situation”.

The event includes an exhibition of a variety of embroidery items by a women’s group. Sindhi cap (Toppi), pillows, bedsheets, rallies, and hand-embroidered designs of women’s clothing were also displayed. Every message was conveyed through IEC material, video clips, songs, and traditional statements of famous poets by community members and local social activists.

The documentary also showed participants how to create different skills, small business methods, and different sources of income in modern techniques. The community and local social workers appreciated the efforts of the AWARE  team and its volunteers. The event also highlighted the impact of the COVID-19 situation and the importance of skilled youth in the markets. The pandemic put tremendous pressure on family income, making it very difficult for women to manage family resources. This leads to an increase in domestic violence, mental illness, and suicide.

The community has shown enthusiasm in conveying this message. In last Ms. Nusarat, Rajab Samejo, Kelash and others shared their views and remarks and a collective action plan was also developed to work together over the next two to three years to enhance the skills of youth and create all the possibilities, they want. 

The event ended on a positive note.