
The Defense Sector Has Many Complicated Procedures & Various Players; It Necessitates Greatest Level Of Data & Communication Channel Security.

Blockchain in Defense Industry

The term “Blockchain” has recently become popular. Its applications cover a wide range of businesses and sectors, garnering it the label “the next great thing just after the Internet.” This article will go through how blockchain can be used in the defense industry in a nutshell. For every country in the world, the defense sector is vital. This sector is widely regarded as a resource-intensive one, with many countries devoting a significant portion of their GDP to it. The Defense Sector is always at the forefront of incorporating cutting-edge technology. The Defense Sector Has Many Complicated Procedures And Various Players; It Necessitates The Greatest Level Of Data And Communication Channel Security.

The defense sector’s first and most important demand is a reliable and secure communication network. A framework that could assist government agencies and military commanders in maintaining the confidentiality of information shared and transferred per established norms. Military personnel utilizes some of the data to make vital choices, including life and death ones. The military sector’s second most important demand is robust information tracking and data origin verification.

With its inherent security, auditability, authenticity, transparency, and data integrity, Blockchain appears to be an excellent match for the military industry. Blockchain is more trustworthy and reliable because of time-stamped messages. An unchangeable audit trail could be an ideal option to provide a medium for secure and reliable connection in a heavily contested atmosphere.

The US military recently teamed up with ITAMCO, a blockchain technology business, to create a blockchain-based private messaging software. The app’s purpose would be to provide a more powerful, effective, and secured communication channel for the Department of Defense. This app has a lot of applications in the US military. It sends secret messages between intelligence officers and the Pentagon and communication between units and headquarters.

Few Blockchain use cases in Defense Industry

Countering Hacking

One of the most potential blockchain solutions for this industry is cyber defense. The defense sector has been working on a solution to the issue of cyber-attacks for quite some time. Data manipulation and hacking threats keep the defense industry on its knees at all times. These practices may result in the loss of sensitive data, putting the defense services and the entire country at risk. To protect against global cyber threats, security protocols for databases utilized in the defense sector must be improved. Even if the enemy hacks one data center in the traditional system, the complete network becomes vulnerable. For these issues, blockchain technology is the appropriate solution. There is no single point of failure with its decentralized ledger systems, so the attacker would have to take down all of the data centers to bring the network down.

AI-Powered Drones

Military drone operations can also benefit from blockchain technology. When combined with drone technology, AI and Blockchain can be employed in a variety of defense applications. These AI-powered drones can fly without the need for human intervention. Moreover, blockchain may be used to store real-time data from these drones in an unchangeable database. Here’s an example: sometimes it’s tough for us humans to understand the AI system’s data points to conclude. In such circumstances, blockchain is quite useful in understanding AI decisions because the entire decision-making process is added to the blockchain. So, extending the AI-powered drone notion, blockchain technology may be used to record the drone’s actions and movement decisions throughout its journey. Even if the attacker attacks the drone, the data it collects and records will remain on the blockchain.

Supply Chain Management

The next major obstacle is the convoluted supply chain. As with all supply chains, the defense supply chain must be transparent and traceable to be resilient. Due to the immutability of the blockchain, an immutable trail of products and goods flowing through the supply chain may be created. This is an excellent feature for this industry since it enables defense officials to monitor and trace all supply chain transactions across several departments and supply partners. This results in significant time savings and efficiency gains throughout the system.

This news was originally published at Imad Online.