Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad, organized its eighth ‘Open House / Job Fair’ on May 17, 2017. The students of the Aerospace, Electrical, Mechanical, Materials Science and Engineering and Space Science captivated the visitors by displaying their ‘Senior Design Projects’. The event holds special significance for prestigious R&D organizations and industry as it provides an opportunity to witness the students’ skills of analyzing a problem and giving a workable solution. The assessment of these skills helps in identifying potential employees from the graduating batch.

Employers and guests who visited the Open House included a large number of people belonging to the academia, R&D organizations and industry including the Schlumberger, Halliburton, Princely Jets, FPCCI, Shaheen Engineering & Aircraft Services (SEAMS), the National Space Agency of Pakistan, NESCOM, KRL, PAEC, LMKT, OGDCL, MOL Pakistan, Dynea Pakistan Limited, Pakistan Meteorological Department, Urban Sector PMSU and RWR Pvt Limited. The innovative and creative projects reflecting the research skills, displayed by the students were appreciated by the representatives of industry.

The employers took keen interest in the displayed projects and interacted with the students. They appreciated the creativity of students and the grip on their subjects that the students displayed while explaining their projects. The Open House achieved its purpose as the representatives of the industry and R&D organizations interviewed many potential students. A total of 103 projects were displayed on the occasion.

IST maintains very close collaboration with the industry. This collaboration has helped to develop a culture of research and development. The industry poses its problems to the students who then work to find workable and practicable solutions thus strengthening the norm of research which is vital for any country to join the ranks of the developed countries of the world.

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