
The Punjab Government Is Considering A Proposal To Launch A Digital System For Registration Of Nikah Across Province, It Emerged On Saturday.

The Punjab Government Is Considering A Proposal To Launch A Digital System For The Registration Of Nikah Across The Province, It Emerged On Saturday. Reports said that the nikah khawan, under the project would be given tabs to register the proceedings while a month-long workshop will also be organized for the clerics to provide training to them for the use of the gadgets.

The nikah khawan will also open an account with the local government in order to deposit the fee for the registration of the marriage. The cleric will save the CNIC copies and thumb impression of witnesses in the devices. The nikah Khawan will also capture the photos of the couples for the official record. The provincial government, in coordination with Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), is working on this project.

This news was originally published at Daily Pakistan.