
Huawei has been experiencing another wave of losses as their phones goes out of stock because of the shortage of chips.

Huawei has been confronting incalculable difficulties for as long as two years. The US-imposed sanctions on Huawei in 2020 resulted in a huge loss experienced by the smartphone company. And now, the chip deficiency in China has additionally influenced its business.

As per a news report, the organization is forsaking its low-end models totally because of the progressing chip deficiency. Workers from Huawei’s official store have announced that the organization is selling less handsets now and a large portion of it is a result of the absence of accessibility of chipsets.

The worker, who has requested secrecy, guarantees that pretty much every cell phone model in Huawei stores is currently unavailable while others are accessible in limited colors and setups. As per report a few journalists went to check at Huawei official stores near them and discovered that majority of the phones were either sold or out of stock. They visited five experience stores and found out that they were had only 4 handsets of that phone model.

The journalists also claimed that the prices of the available models were also changed, and low-end handsets have totally vanished. Huawei’s Nova series that was meant to target the students was mostly out of stock. There are also a few rumors circulating on the internet claiming that the production of the Nova series has been halted and some also claim that they are discontinued. The only cheapest variant of the Nova series and probably the cheapest Huawei phone in the market right now is the Nova 8 Pro which costs around $617.

It is really an unfortunate news that the smartphone company is experiencing such downfall. A company which was once the world’s third largest smartphone manufacturer. Huawei started to lose its customers when they lost Google services in their devices. It seems like the alternatives Huawei is providing are not liked by the users which is resulting in loss of customers.