Prof. Anwar Gilani, Vice Chancellor, the University of Haripur received Presidential Award "Hilal-e-Imtiaz"

It is a moment of great honor and pride for the University of Haripur (UoH) that the President of Pakistan, Dr. Alvi has conferred the prestigious award of Hilal-e-Imtiaz on Prof.

Prof. Anwar Gilani, Vice Chancellor, the University of Haripur received Presidential Award "Hilal-e-Imtiaz"

Prof. Anwar Gilani, Vice Chancellor, The University Of Haripur Received Presidential Award “Hilal-E-Imtiaz” : Anwar Gilani, Vice Chancellor (VC), the University of Haripur for his outstanding contributions in the field of Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences). The award (HI) was conferred in a ceremony held at the President house on 23 March 2021, which is the highest civil award given to any scientist during last one decade.

Prof. Gilani is the only serving VC who has been conferred three civil awards (H.I., Sitara-i-Imtiaz, and Pride of Performance) in addition to title of Distinguished National Professor and Life-Time Academic Achievement Award (Hilal-e-Imtiaz) by the Government of Pakistan.

While working at the Aga Khan University Prof. Gilani made break through discoveries including translational research (from lab to patients) on Natural medicine/Functional foods for their effectiveness in cardiometabolic diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease).

Prof. Gilani is a co-editor of two WHO Books on Essential Medicine and published near 500 articles attracting high citations (> 21,000) with distinctly high h-index of 78 (Google scholar).

He occupied and maintained 1st National ranking in Pharmaceutical Sciences since last two decades (PCST data). Prof. Gilani distinguished himself as a mentor and supervised research of 20 PhDs, mostly playing leadership role (Head/Director/Dean/Vice Chancellor).

He has been invited speaker at around 100 international conferences and had the opportunity to represent Pakistan at United Nations Meetings
on Science & Technology. He has served as advisor to WHO on Essential Medicine and Scientific Advisor to International Foundation for Science.

Prof. Gilani’s accomplishments and his meritorious services made during his 40 years career are highly recognized for which he received several national/international awards including Boehringer International Research Award, Salam Prize in Biology by TWAS, Italy, Ibn-Al-Haytham
Prize in Science and Aga Hassan Abdi Gold Medals by Pakistan Academy of Science, and Dr. ZA Hashmi Gold Medal by Pakistan Science Foundation.

He is a Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences as well as Fellow of a prestigious Academy, The World Academy of Sciences(TWAS). He is ranked amongst the top one percent scientists of the world of the Stanford list 2020, which is an honor for the university and the country.

Under his visionary headship and due to his untiring efforts, the UoH has emerged as a learning hub and a leading University of Pakistan. Prof. Gilani strongly believes in meritocracy and he has brought an effective and transparent system in the UoH.

His merit-based recruitments have attracted distinguished Faculty across Pakistan to join the UoH. During his last two years stint, he has successfully placed the UoH on the avenue of excellence and set a role model for all young universities across Pakistan.

The UoH proudly congratulates worthy VC on being conferred with this high honor in recognition of his outstanding and selfless services for Pakistan.