It was highly speculated that the Samsung is bringing the S Pen to the ultra variant of the phone to discontinue the Galaxy Note series

As we are moving closer to the end of the first quarter of 2021 and the news about the discontinuation of the Samsung Galaxy Notes is once again started making headlines. Before the launch of the Galaxy S21 series, it was highly speculated that the company is bringing the S Pen support on the ultra variant of the phone to discontinue the Note series.

The speculation turned out to be true at the time of launch but the company didn’t reveal anything about the discontinuation of the handset. Now in the latest report, it has been reported that Samsung CEO Dong-jin Ko officially confirms that there will be no Samsung Note series device this year. Here’s a closer look at the new announcement made by Samsung.

According to a Korean technology website DDaily, Samsung Electronics will not launch a new smartphone in the Galaxy Note series in the second half of this year. It doesn’t mean that the company is discontinuing the series, news products under the series will launch next year, but no fixed time is decided yet.

Samsung CEO Dong-jin Ko, head of the information technology and mobile communications (IM) division of Samsung Electronics at the company’s 52nd shareholders’ meeting said that the S Pen was implemented on the Galaxy S21 Ultra and it’s difficult for the company to launch the Note series in the second half of the year.

“The disparity between the supply of parts and demand in the information technology (IT) side is severe.” “We are checking the parts supply problem every morning. It is difficult to say that it is 100% resolved. It is a bit of a problem in the second quarter. We will report as a result so that there is no business disruption.” DDaily quoted CEO Ko as saying.

What are your thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy Note series? Do let us know in the comments below.

Originally published at My Smart Price