Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood has said that the relationship of both countries in the education sector is the best in the world.

United States Charge d’Affairs in Pakistan Angela Aggeler called on the Federal Minister for Education, Professional Training, (FE&PT) Shafqat Mahmood and discussed effects of Covid-19 pandemic on education sector, universities partnership programmes, role of technology in education, Single National Curriculum and collaboration on technical and skill areas.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Education said that Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood has said that the relationship of both countries in the education sector is the best in the world and people of both countries are learning from each other.

The two sides expressed the desire to deepen ties through consistent engagements in areas of education and culture.

Mahmood highlighted the steps taken by the ministry to continue the education process during the Covid-19 pandemic i.e. launching of Teleschool, Radio school, E-Taleem portal, initiative of distance learning programme and online contents development.

Discussing the use of technology experiments in education, steps for enhancing stable internet connectivity across the country, teachers training and madrassah reforms programme, the minister remarked that the results of these far reaching reforms shall be seen in next few years and will change the landscape of education and learning in the country.

Ms. Angela Aggeler, while talking about the bilateral relationships of two countries said that President Joe Biden is very much familiar with Pakistan so the relations between two countries will be ever stronger in the future. While talking to the regional situation, Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood said that stable Afghanistan is in our vital national interests and we shall extend all possible cooperation for lasting peace in Afghanistan.

Both sides reaffirmed their firm resolve to further strengthen their relations through consistent engagements.

Originally published at Nation