
Netflix is a streaming platform that offers a wide variety of movies and tv shows. It provides its users with multiple subscription plans starting from Rs 950 with the Basic package and goes up to Rs 1,500 with the Premium package.

By Sayyed Shehzer Abbas 

People often share their accounts by sharing their passwords with other people, so they don’t have to buy another subscription. To tackle this problem, Netflix is testing ways to crack down on password sharing on the platform.

Netflix will be verifying accounts through email, text or ‘verify later’. An online cloud storage website,, reported that the system will work through the location and If you don’t live with the owner of an account, you will need your own account to keep watching. The test is still in its approval stage and is expected to be first operated in the US expanding the test to other regions of the world where Netflix is available. Netflix has been struggling to control the growing amount of people sharing their accounts and passwords to other users.

The company claims that this test will verify only the owners of an account and will ensure that only the authorized Netflix subscriber is using their services. Even though Netflix has been suffering huge loss because of people sharing accounts instead of buying new ones, it still remains as the biggest streaming platform on the internet with more than 200 million subscribers globally.

Netflix does have a really strong competition as Disney+ and Amazon Prime are leveling up their standards and producing quality content. There are still no reports on when Netflix will implement these new tests or whether this is even possible by getting access to user’s location.