STAFF REPORT ISB: The world weather body has asked Pakistan to upgrade its current flash floods guidance system and expressed its willingness to help the country in this regard.

In a letter to Federal Minister for Climate Change Zahid Hamid, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said that although Pakistan is already leader in South Asia and using flash flood guidance system, it can become regional centre by upgrading its system to South Asia Flash Flood Guidance (SAsiaFFG). The new system increases the scope of its application.

“Since its inception, there have been additional advancements in early warning system in numerical weather prediction and satellite estimation of precipitation that should be reflected in the new efforts on SAsiaFFG,” the letter said.

The purpose is to reduce vulnerability of the region to hydro-meteorological hazards, particularly flash floods, by developing and implementing a guidance system through strengthening regional and national capacity to develop timely and accurate warnings.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) had been involved in implementation of the Pakistan Flash Flood Guidance System. The country is already a leader in the region in using such an early warning system.

“At COP21 in Paris, our delegation led by Minister for Climate Change Zahid Hamid had held a meeting with WMO secretary general along with Punjab Minister for Environment Zakia Shahnawaz, PMD Director General Dr Ghulam Rasul and Director-General Climate Change,” the ministrys Secretary Arif Ahmed Khan told the media.

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