The Mosaic Company announces two of its products, MicroEssentials and Sus-Terra fertilizer, are now labeled as Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers.

The Mosaic Company announces two of its products, MicroEssentials and Sus-Terra fertilizer, are now labeled as Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF) as defined by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO).

To meet the definition of an EEF, the product must reduce nutrient losses to the environment while increasing nutrient availability for the plant or crop. In short, applying an EEF is simply better for the soil and the environment, says Curt Woolfolk, manager of Crop Nutrition Technologies at Mosaic.

“There are two areas within the EEF guidelines, and it’s been a breakthrough for Misaic to bring two products with this new designation, as slow release sources of nutrition.”

Through its patented Fusion Technology, MicroEssentials meets EEF standards as a slow-release fertilizer by offering 50% of the total sulfur as Elemental Sulfur. Sus-Terra fertilizer contains 30% slow-release nitrogen, which also qualifies it for the EEF designation.

“The beauty of these products is that we users can convert to a superior performance source of plant nutrition and continue to use them in a blend with the benefit of the slow release, which spoon-feeds nutrients to the crop throughout the growing season,” Woolfolk says.

Both MicroEssentials and Sus-Terra fertilizer are eligible for two United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs:

the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
These programs provide financial and technical assistance to growers who put sustainable practices in place, while also improving and strengthening their operations. Tio qualify, at least 50% of the pre-emergent and early-post-emergent nitrogen and/or phosphorous fertilizers used for crop production must include EEFs, according to NRCS guidelines. The products also must be recommended by a state Land Grant University, or based on documentation from a peer-reviewed journal, the agency says.

Overall, EEFs help build healthier soils that contribute to improved land efficiencies and are better for the environment.

Growers can learn more about how to apply for the USDA conservation programs, growers can contact their local NRCS office about the Nutrient Management 590 Standard and CSP Enhancement 590A programs.

Originally published at Successful Farming