Mahmood Khan has directed the concerned authorities to take concrete steps to for setting up of Oil Refinery in Karak district.

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan has directed the concerned authorities to take concrete steps to implement the proposed project of setting up of Oil Refinery in Karak district.

He said that all necessary matters including identification of suitable site and land acquisition be finalized as soon as possible adding that role and responsibilities of all the departments to this effect be defined clearly.

He termed the proposed project as of vital importance for the province and said that the provincial government will provide all the resources to implement the project.

He was chairing a meeting regarding the establishment of Oil Refinery in Karak here at Chief Minister’s House the other day.

The meeting reviewed the progress made so far on the project and discussed in detail the future course of action.

The meeting was informed that two different sites were under consideration for setting up the oil refinery.

The Chief Minister directed to finalize the site selection process for the project without any delay and take necessary steps for the purchase of land so that the practical work on the project could be started without any delay.

He also directed the energy department to hold a meeting with other concerned departments and to clearly define their roles and responsibilities for implementation of the project.

Mahmood Khan said that since its inception, the provincial government had been working to ensure the optimum utilization of natural resources of the province in order to strengthen the economy of the province and to create employment opportunities for the people adding that the proposed project of Karak Oil Refinery, on completion would add a great deal to the provincial exchequer.

Originally published at Pak Observer