A total of $43,000 will be going to the Springfield Police Department to update their current technology services with changing technology.

A total of $43,000 will be going to the Springfield Police Department to update their current technology services.

Specifically, that money will be used to purchase forensic software to help the department stay up to speed with changing technology.

Officials said the upgrade will also be used to help officers during investigations and to keep track of data from multiple tech devices.

“Everyone these days has multiple electronic devices, anything from tablets, cellphones, computers, all these devices have different storage capabilities,” Springfield Police Deputy Chief Josh Stuenkel said. “It’s important that investigators are able to access that data and view it in a meaningful way.”

The funding also includes training officers to use the technology.

Stuenkel said not all officers will be required to get that training.

The department expects to have the upgraded technology up and running in a few weeks.

The funding was approved by the Springfield City Council on Tuesday and will come from the city’s corporate fund.

Originally published at Fox