If you’ve been following the news recently, it’s likely you’ve heard people talking about COP26 – but what it is, and why it matters so much?

If you’ve been following the news recently, it’s likely you’ve heard people talking about COP26 – but do you actually know what it is, and why it matters so much?

The UN Climate Change Conference (the official name for climate COPs) has happened every year since 1995. The two-week summits are the key space for stakeholders to discuss the climate crisis on a global level.

These annual conferences bring together signatory parties for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international environmental treaty addressing climate change.

Every UN member state is a signatory for the UNFCCC, as well Palestine, the Cook Islands and Niue, while the Holy See is an observer to the treaty. Effectively every nation, country, or state in the world is involved, giving a total of 197 signatory parties.

Each year representatives from every party come together to discuss climate change action in what is known as a COP. The 26th COP was meant to take place in Glasgow, UK last November, but due to the coronavirus crisis was postponed by a year.

Despite the disruption, COP26 is keenly anticipated already – with many leaders, activists and scientists having high expectations for this year’s conference.

As we move nearer to the event itself, Euronews Living are going to be addressing all the questions you may have about COP26. So bookmark this page, as we’ll be updating it with the latest information throughout the year.

The UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (or COP26) was meant to take place 9-19 November 2020, but is now scheduled for 1-12 November 2021.

There is no schedule for the conference yet.

For the first time in history, the UN Climate Change Conference is being held in the UK, as Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow, serves as host.

There are two main sites for the event: the Blue Zone and the Green Zone. The former is where the official negotiations take place, bringing together the delegates and observers through discussions, exhibits and cultural activities. This is a UN-managed space, based at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in the west part of the city.

The Green Zone is run by the UK government, and is designed to be a platform for the public, artists, academics, and more to encourage grassroots participation and promote conversations around climate change. This is set to be held at the Glasgow Science Centre, which also includes a 370-seat IMAX cinema auditorium.

At this point, it’s expected that, though there may be some virtual elements, the bulk of the convention will be held in-person in Glasgow. However due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this is still to be confirmed.

Representatives from every country in the world are expected to attend, along with members of the press and observer organisations.

British politician Alok Sharma was named President of COP26 in January of this year, and it is expected that other members of the cabinet like Michael Gove and Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend too.

The US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry is set to be a major part of discussions, and it’s likely that President Joe Biden will be at the event too. This is in part because of this COP’s significance (Barack Obama gave a speech at the last major COP in Paris in 2015), but also to mark his country’s return to the Paris Agreement.

Due to the importance of this year’s summit, it is also likely that many high profile guests will have a presence in Glasgow (physically or virtually), like activist Greta Thunberg who famously sailed across the Atlantic (twice) to attend COP25 in 2019.

Unless you are a representative of a party to the convention or an observer state, or a member of the media there are two main ways for members of the public to attend COP26:

As a representative of an observer organisation
As a volunteer

There are two main reasons why the 2021 summit is so important.

Firstly, COVID-19 has refocused priorities and caused individuals and governments alike to pay closer attention to the environment. As many countries look to rebuild their economies in the wake of the pandemic, there has been a major emphasis on ‘building back better’ through a green recovery.

Secondly, COP26 is being viewed as the successor to COP21 where the Paris Accord was signed, arguably the greatest success from the UNFCCC in recent years. COP26 is seen as the summit to both address what has and hasn’t been achieved since 2015, while also setting concrete plans to reach the Paris Agreement targets.

It’s also the first COP to be held since the US left and rejoined the Paris Agreement, so it’s likely that there will be extra eyes on US contributions to the summit.

Conference of the Parties.

The UNFCCC isn’t the only convention to have a COP either, other treaties like the UN Convention against Corruption also have a COP.

However, the UNFCCC is one of the only COPs to meet annually or have all 197 signatories.

The UNFCCC is particularly special, as it’s one of three conventions to have come out of the 1992 Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This conference, at the time known as the UN Conference on Environment and Development, saw the birth of three environmental conventions:

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
These three conventions together are collectively known as the Rio Conventions, and have a set of combined aims:

The conservation of biological diversity
The sustainable use of the components of biological diversity
The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources

By chance all three of the Rio Conventions are meeting in 2021. The CBD COP15 is being held in May, followed by COP26 in November, and then UNCCD COP15 at the end of the year. Some people have dubbed 2021 a ‘super year for nature’, due to the major legislative potential for positive environmental change at these three, key events.

Originally published at Euro News