Cornwall Council has published a new environmental growth strategy showing how it will work to boost nature and over the next 45 years

Cornwall Council has published a new environmental growth strategy showing how it will work to boost nature and the environment over the next 45 years – as it emerged only 5.5% of land in the county has been built on.

The council has refreshed the strategy which was first published in 2015 and was seen as a groundbreaking document.

Covering both Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly the plan sets out the actions which will be taken to safeguard and steward the natural environment.

It has been created by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Nature Partnership, Cornwall Council and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.

One of the key aims of the document is to create a “cleaner, greener society and economy”.

Rob Nolan, Cornwall Council Cabinet member for environment, said: “This strategy sets out how partners will work together to help create a cleaner, greener Cornwall with more space for nature.”

He said that it was a “key opportunity to show the ambition of this council, our partners and businesses”.

Edwina Hannaford, Cabinet member for climate change, said: “It is fantastic to see the work that began with the Local Nature Partnership in 2015 evolve with this refresh.

“It is vital to reflect on how much environmental growth has been embedded into our decision making.

“This strategy remains a vital sister to our climate change action plan.”

The strategy sets out some of the key facts about Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and its environment.

Land use in Cornwall is shown to be:

  • 74.4% agricultural
  • 9.9% woodland and scrub
  • 5.7% moorland, upland and heathland
  • 5.5% built environment
  • 2.4% transport
  • 1.8% waterways and wetlands
  • 0.3% other

It also reveals there are 48,000km of Cornish hedges, 193 sites of special scientific interest, 17 special areas of conservation and more than 400 beaches and 34% of inshore waters in a marine protected area.

But the strategy also highlights that nature is under pressure and is “being destroyed at an historically unprecedented rate”.

Some of the actions being taken in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to grow nature are detailed.

These include the Making Space for Nature scheme which involves communities in seven Cornish towns having improved green spaces covering 44 hectares at 33 sites.

The Saving Scilly’s Seabirds project has built on a successful St Agnes island restoration project which improved habitat management and enhances the breeding success of seabirds.

Cornwall Council’s 10-year Forest for Cornwall is aiming to cover 8,000 hectares – around 2% of Cornwall’s land area – with trees, increasing canopy cover and strengthening protection for existing trees, woodland and hedges.

Other projects include improving water quality; providing new multi-use trails to connect communities to nature and creating green corridors for travel; the restoration of natural habitats; boosting community food producers and the encouragement of efficient natural resource use.

In setting out the next steps the strategy highlights the next immediate step is development a Nature Recovery Plan and investment programme.

This will “kickstart nature recovery and target increased investment in natural assets. These will define what, where and how we can best support at appropriate scale to help nature to regenerate; and ensure that we can strategically champion and support projects through our partners, local communities, and volunteer networks”.

Targets for the strategy include that by 2030 at least 30% of land and seas will be positively managed for nature.

And by 2050 nature is growing on twice as much land and four times as much of inshore waters as in 2020.

Originally published at The Packet