STAFF REPORT KHI: A seminar focusing on Urbanization and Environment was held to sensitize on raising pollution concerns in the Karachi city due to expansion of urban areas and welled population growth. The event was organized by National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) in partnership with PARCO, Sindh and Department of Youth Affairs.

The participants from public and private sector, environmental scientists, civil society were present on the occasion in large number. Erstwhile Secreatary, Sindh Environment Department, Shams ul Haq Memon highlighted the urbanization and pollutions issues and remarked, “Urbanization is the population migration from rural areas to town and cities for several reasons including livelihood etc. The rising urbanization trend is increasing the population density of the cities and hence causing suffocation, pollution, burden on energy and food resources etc. and ultimately resulting in contributing to environmental deterring”.

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistans population has bolstered to 200 million with 2% growth rate, while Karachi has 6% population growth rate annually, which is highest in the world. Six to eight million foreigners were residing in Karachi. Population rise is a big issue facing Pakistan, which needs to be resolved on priority basis.

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