MoST Submits Draft For Drone Regulatory Authority To PM

Set Up A Civil Drone Regulatory Authority For Effective Use Of Remote-Controlled Surveillance Technology In Various Fields

MoST Submits Draft For Drone Regulatory Authority To PM

The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) has submitted a draft for an ordinance to establish Civil Drone Regulatory Authority (CDRA) in the country to Prime Minister Imran Khan. Talking to TLTP, MoST consultant Umer Sajjad Chaven said that the federal government has decided to set up a Civil Drone Regulatory Authority for effective use of remote-controlled surveillance technology in various fields.

He said after promulgation of the ordinance, drones would be allowed exclusively for civil purposes, including usage for agriculture, recreational activities and research & development, adding that the law would allow the government to carry out activities with the purpose of obtaining new knowledge that shall enable the development of drone and its associated technology or creating new equipment, products and tools using the available information and resources, creating new systems, processes and services, including software production or improving those that are available. Umer Sajjad said the authority would also regulate operation, manufacturing, assembling, designing, import, development and research on drones and associated technologies used for civil purposes in Pakistan.

Other functions of the authority would be to grant, cancel and renew licences for manufacturing, importing and operating drone and associated technology on payment of some fees. Besides, the authority would have power to prescribe standards for grant of licence to local manufacturers and importers of drone and associated technologies and certify compliance of such equipment with prescribed standards. The consultant said in order to support the local industry in manufacturing, assembly, integration and design of drone and drone-based applications, the authority would monitor and enforce licences, besides entering into contracts. “Once the ordinance is passed, the authority will attract investment into drones and associated technologies including foreign direct investments, venture capital funds, public sector investments, public-private investments and private funds.” According to the draft, the authority would develop studies, feasibility reports, experiments, public-private partnership frameworks, financial vehicles, technical research and surveys related to drones and its associated technologies.

This news was originally published at Pakistan Today