The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) commenced its Diamond Jubilee through a virtual launch on Thursday, 14:00 Japan Time.

The Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organization (APO) commenced its Diamond Jubilee through a virtual launch on Thursday, 14:00 Japan Time.

Pakistan being one of the eight founding members will also host an APO 60th anniversary commemorative event in July 2021. All the events consist of international conferences, forums, and concurrent side programs and will produce anniversary publications, and videos. Several declarations and statements will be aimed as the outputs of the programs.

The launch marks the beginning of a year-long tribute to the 60-year productivity journey in Asia, showcasing productivity as a key enabler for the Asia-Pacific region, past, present, and future.

Ministers/senior officials from Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Pakistan are to convey congratulatory messages during the ceremony. Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Xuan Dinh, Vietnam, and Chair of the APO, will salute the organization while emphasizing the power of digital technology and digital learning.

Originally published at Pak Observer