Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood and UNICEF organized awareness sessions in Punjab on safety and preventive measures of COVID-19

These sessions are followed by 3-month awareness sessions launched by PAFEC and UNICEF to reduce the spread of COVID-19, through preventive measures, build capacity of communities through sensitizing them using different strategies.

Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood and UNICEF organized awareness sessions in Punjab on safety and preventive measures of COVID-19

To raise awareness among the communities, religious influences, children and people in general, the Training of Masters Trainers sessions held in Faisalabad, Lahore, Multan and Gujranwala districts organized by Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood and UNICEF in collaboration with its four implementing partners included Association for Academic Quality (AFAQ), The Momentous School, Tiflee Education and Muslim Hands respectively.

The ToTs were aimed to encourage people in these districts badly affected by COVID-19 to adopt preventive measures and to control the spread of this pandemic.

These sessions are followed by 3-month awareness campaign launched by PAFEC and UNICEF to reduce the spread of COVID-19, through preventive measures, build capacity of communities through sensitizing them using different strategies, create preparedness among communities to deal with virus in case of being infected and to mitigation the situation, provide necessary health and hygiene guidelines information and identify services available for this purpose.

Ms. Khadija Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood conducted the awareness session and emphasized on adopting the preventive measures, washing hands and maintaining social distancing and protecting themselves from this pandemic and above all spreading these awareness messages among the communities, children and people in general.

Ms. Zohra Nisar Hunzai, Communications Specialist, UNICEF said that, “UNICEF engaged PAFEC in conducting these awareness sessions to spread the safety measures with the communities and children.

The role of frontline workers including Trainers of Masters Trainers is significant to reach out the message with communities and religious leaders and avoid spreading rumors about the pandemic.

Ms. Hunzai has over 27 years of diverse experience, specializing in communication for development and education including a) health education and promotion; b) early childhood development; c) educational management and leadership; d) facilitation and trainer; e) life skill based education. Expert in approaches related to community mobilization, development and education.

Ms. Sehar Pasha, Manager, The Momentous School said that, “We have identified qualified and experienced Master Trainers to execute the awareness campaign in rural and urban parts of Lahore to ensure compliance of COVID-19 precautionary measures.

As many as 80 Master Trainers from the four districts participated in awareness sessions. Mr. Asif Munir, Sr. Trainer Faisalabad Zone, Association for Academic Quality (AFAQ) participated in the training session and appreciated the content of training developed by UNICEF and PAFEC for awareness of the people and protecting people.