Canadian Nova Scotia Seeks More Applications for Funding

Nova Scotia government seek more applications for funding from its Foresty Innovation Transition Trust, $50 million program announced.

Canadian Nova Scotia Seeks More Applications for Funding

The Nova Scotia government is seeking more applications for funding from its Foresty Innovation Transition Trust, a $50 million program announced in February.

The fund is intended to help transition and develop Nova Scotia’s foresty sector, according to a press release from the province.

The second round of applications opened Nov. 1 and the deadline for submissions is Nov. 30.

The province said 22 applications were received in the first round and they are now being reviewed, with decisions expected in early December.

Projects eligible may include the development of high-value projects and/or new processes and services.

Forestry workers may also apply for funding to support training or retraining.

Trustees of the fund are Sandra McKenzie, Douglas Hall and David Saxton.

In a press release this week, McKenzie said, “The trustees and I have been impressed by the ideas that have come forward to develop new markets and products.”

She said applications from the first round cover a range of sector issues and are from a diverse mix of private sector, industry and research groups.

“We look forward to seeing more innovative proposals to advance ecological forestry and secure the future of the sector.”

The trust may be used by companies, organizations or post-secondary institutions working and researching in the forestry and biological resources sectors. A three-member trustee board will review submissions and make spending decisions.

Originally published at thechronicleherald