One Confirmed, 707 Suspected Dengue Cases Reported In Punjab

A confirmed while 707 suspected dengue cases were reported in Punjab during the last 24 hours. Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department said here on Saturday the confirmed case of dengue virus was reported from Lahore

One Confirmed, 707 Suspected Dengue Cases Reported In Punjab

All suspected cases of dengue have been kept in surveillance and their tests are being conducted.

Since January to uptil now, 110 cases of confirmed dengue case were reported in the province, of them, 102 patients were discharged after recovery while 8 patients of dengue virus were under treatment.

Owing to effective measures by the government, no death was reported due to dengue virus this year.

The Punjab government was continuously working across the province and the anti-dengue staff recovered dengue larvae from 8,284 places during the last seven days.

The P&SHD urged the people to adopt precautionary measures and keep their environment cleanand dry to protect themselves from dengue.

Originally published at Urdu point