Punjab gov't gives 50 percent subsidy on micronutrients to facilitate rice sector

Punjab government was giving 50 percent subsidy on the micronutrients and also committed to introduce more measures to facilitate rice sector.

Punjab gov't gives 50 percent subsidy on micronutrients to facilitate rice sector

These views were expressed by Minister for Agriculture Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial during the launching ceremony of Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) Journal at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on Friday.

The minister said that the farmers would be given transplanters and rice harvesters at 50 percent discount,a dding that rice choppers would also be given to the farmers on subsidy.

He said that the LCCI would be given representation in the  agriculture  committee of the Punjab government.

Speaking about the measures which government had planned to implement, the minister said that government would coordinate with rice exporters in regard with the use of pesticides.

He said that competitions should be held among the farmers to encourage production, adding that the government was working to develop long grain Basmati which was internationally acceptable.

Speaking on the occasion LCCI Senior Vice President Ali Hussam Asghar said that there was a lack of Research & Development, especially in developing hybrid seed varieties for Basmati.

Other countries, despite of the fact that we had most suitable soil for Basmati cultivation, have developed more hybrid varieties of rice.

He said the most effective remedy for lowering the cost of production was increasing the per acre yield.

Ali Hussam Asgahr was of the view that there was a need to work in collaboration with the private and public research institutes to introduce new varieties especially hybrid in Basmati rice, which could ensure quantum jump in its production thus leading to more export surplus as well as the economic well-being of the farmers.

LCCI Vice President Mian Zahid Jawaid Ahmed, Chairman REAP Shahjahan Malik, Pir Syed Nazim Hussain Shah and LCCI executive committee members were also present on the occasion.

Originally published at Urdu point