Madden 21 Hilarious Glitches

People Are Fed Up With The Latest Release Of Madden 21.

Madden 21 Hilarious Glitches

The 2021 version of the NFL video game has a historically low user-rating of just 0.3 — out of 10 — on Metacritic. People have long been upset with the game’s focus on microtransactions and weak upgrades from year-to-year.  But a reason people are especially upset at Madden ’21 : The game appears to be chock full of hilariously dumb glitches.

Videos of the glitchy madness have spread throughout Twitter. And, while I might feel differently if I had purchased the game, the glitches are pretty hilarious. Here are a few of our favorites.

I had to stop myself at ten examples. Just search around for Madden glitches on Twitter and you’re bound to find even more. Folks are mad enough that they’re calling for the NFL to drop its deal with EA, the company that makes Madden. People have been posting hashtags like #EndMaddenMonopoly and #NFLDROPSEA in the hopes of forcing the league’s hand.

I totally get being angry you spent a pretty sizable chunk of money on a glitchy game. But that’s not going to stop me from laughing at more glitch videos.

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