STAFF REPORT FBD: Turkey will help Pakistan in producing quality seeds and the agriculture scientists of both countries will get benefits from the research of each other in this connection.

“Farmers are facing lack of availability of certified seeds which is leaving a negative impact on the overall production graph,” said a spokesman of the Agriculture Department while talking to media.

He said that non-certified seed was causing decrease in the per acre yield and added that Turkey is ready to extend cooperation to Pakistan in producing quality seeds.

The agriculture experts are striving to produce maximum quantity of certified seeds besides ensuring its easy availability to the growers, he said.

In this connection, Turkey has also agreed to provide all kinds of assistance to Pakistani scientists for developing quality seeds at maximum extent, he added.

It is to be mentioned here that where high prices of agriculture inputs are regularly putting an extra financial burden on the farmers, the quality seeds availability has also become a hard job some elements are providing also involved in black marketing thus making the farmers hard to purchase high priced seeds.

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