STAFF REPORT IBD: Research and innovation is imperative for the Muslim Ummah to reclaim its rightful place in the international community and the COMSTECH can play crucial role in this regard.

These views were expressed by Federal Minister for Science and Technology Zahid Hamid during his recent visit to the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Co-operation (COMSTECH) Secretariat in Islamabad.

On the occasion, he appreciated the initiatives and projects of COMSTECH, saying that it is contributing towards development and prosperity of Muslim Ummah through its research activities. The minister lauded the role of the OIC and appreciated the initiative taken by the organisation in the popularisation of SandT and higher education programmes.

He commended the OIC Educational Exchange Programme ?Solidarity through Academia? which comprises scholarships, faculty exchange, distance learning and research project. He assured that Pakistan would extend its full support to the OIC as well as to the COMSTECH secretariat in their research activities.

He also invited COMSTECH to help improve SandT infrastructure in Pakistan to benefit local science community. The minister said that Pakistan is also looking forward to the SandT summit being organised by COMSTECH, adding government will extend maximum support for this purpose.

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