
Chief Minister Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa Mahmood Khan inau­gurated five different mini hydro power projects having to produce 1650 Kilowatts power at Kaghan District Mansehra.


The projects include 500kw Bai­la Manoor, 400kw Biyari Manoor, 300kw Kotkay Manoor, 300kw Ra­jwal and 150kw Dum Duma Mini Hydro Power project. The projects will provide uninterrupted supply of low-priced electricity to around 2,000 households, 12 mosques, 10 schools, 120 shops and a number of tourist facilities of the areas.

Addressing the inaugural cere­mony, Mahmood Khan described completion of mini power pro­jects as highly important for the localities and said the projects would not only ensure provi­sion of low-priced electricity to the local population but would also generate opportunities of self-employment for the locals and thus bring about positive changes in their life style.

The Chief Minister said that there was a huge potential of pow­er generation on the run of rivers in the north parts of the province and the incumbent government of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf was taking steps under a well devised strate­gy to effectively utilize these po­tentials to provide electricity to the people, create employment opportunities and boost the econ­omy of the province.

Mahmood Khan said the provin­cial government had allocated bil­lions of rupees for Hydel Develop­ment Fund to effectively use the water resources of the province for power generation.

The provincial government had also launched a Project to con­struct 328 mini hydro power sta­tions with a total production ca­pacity of 34 megawatts through non-governmental organizations in the northern parts of the prov­ince and majority of those projects had now been completed while the rest were in final stages.

He said out of 328 mini pow­er stations, 17 were to be set up in district Mansehra out of which 12 power stations had been com­pleted and the rest would be com­pleted in near future. Mahmood Khan revealed that the provincial government was planning to con­struct 672 more mini hydro power stations in the province which, on completion, would generate a to­tal of 55 megawatt electricity.

“Despite difficult financial sit­uation due to the prevailing Co­rona pandemic, developmental activities and public welfare in­itiatives would not be compro­mised in the province,” the Chief Minister reiterated his resolve and said that promotion of tour­ism, hydel power and industry sectors was priority of his gov­ernment and concerted efforts were being made to boost eco­nomic activities by creating max­imum employment opportunities for the people badly affected by the Corona pandemic.

Later the Chief Minister paid a short visit to the residence of Special Assistant Ahmad Hussain Shah and offered fateha for the death of his brother.

This news was originally published at