STAFF REPORT KHI: Pakistan has authorised the export of 100,000 tons of wheat to Iran in trade in order to settle the dues for electricity supplied to energy-starved border areas of the country. The shipment of 100,000 tons was to be delivered to Iran in February last, however, it was delayed due to the recently held general elections, , the Commerce Ministry has said.
“The wheat is being given to Iran against the outstanding payment of $53 million for electricity supplied to border areas from the Iranian grid,” said the ministry spokesman Mohammad Ashraf and added that the interim cabinet has approved the decision and export will be initiated as early as possible.
The European Union and the United States have imposed tough sanctions on Iran meant to discourage Tehrans nuclear programme, which they say, has a military purpose.
However, Iran rejects that claim, saying its programme is aimed at the peaceful production of electricity.
Pakistan is battling a chronic energy shortage, which is inflaming public anger and stifling industry. Power outages can last eight to 10 hours a day in cities, with much more frequent cuts in rural areas.
“Pakistan is an energy-starved country facing severe power cuts that are badly hampering industrial output,” Ashraf said.

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