Metyos startup Secures €2.3 Million to Fight Kidney Disease

Metyos startup has raised €2.3 million in pre-seed funding to pioneer the advancement of chronic kidney disease management through its groundbreaking biowearable technology.

Metyos, a Paris-based startup, has raised €2.3 million in pre-seed funding to pioneer the advancement of chronic kidney disease (CKD) management through its groundbreaking biowearable technology. Chronic kidney disease, affecting 10% of the global population and ranking as the third fastest-growing cause of mortality worldwide, imposes significant financial burdens on healthcare systems, with the European Union alone spending €140 billion annually on its treatment.

Metyos’ innovative solution comes in the form of a biowearable sensor patch, designed to provide real-time readings of biomarkers associated with CKD. These readings are seamlessly integrated into the startup’s disease management platform, empowering healthcare professionals to monitor patients’ kidney function effectively.

The platform facilitates tracking the efficacy of medications and dietary interventions, while also alerting to early signs of critical conditions such as renal failure and hyperkalemia, characterized by abnormal potassium levels.

Notably, Metyos’ platform fosters direct communication between patients and physicians, enabling swift responses to urgent medical needs and ensuring consistent, long-term monitoring. Patients gain autonomy through a companion smartphone application, empowering them to actively participate in their care regimen and collaborate with healthcare providers to mitigate disease progression.

The visionary minds behind Metyos startup include Co-founder and CTO Olga Chashchina, whose expertise in bioengineering and biosensors underpins the technological innovation, alongside Co-founder and CEO Alexandre Boulanger, a seasoned entrepreneur in the field of medical technology.

CEO Alexandre Boulanger articulated the startup’s mission, stating, “We aim to enhance health outcomes for CKD patients and alleviate financial strain on healthcare systems by introducing remote biological monitoring into the CKD landscape.” Recognizing CKD’s pervasive impact on health and economics, Boulanger emphasized the urgency of slowing or halting disease progression, despite its incurable nature.

With the newly secured funding, Metyos intends to further enhance its wearable technology and propel it through rigorous clinical trials, with the goal of securing FDA approval by the conclusion of 2025. Initially focusing on end-stage CKD patients grappling with hyperkalemia, the startup plans to extend its reach to individuals in earlier stages of the disease spectrum.

The successful funding round was spearheaded by prominent venture capital firm Cenitz and received support from esteemed investors including KIMA Ventures, Advans Lab, and Bpifrance. At its current prototype phase, Metyos is actively seeking participants for forthcoming clinical trials.

Metyos’ groundbreaking efforts have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by its accolades, including the Embedded Healthcare Trophy at the Association Embedded France awards in 2023. Additionally, the startup garnered recognition as one of the world’s top health tech innovators during the Healthcare Innovation World Cup.

In a landscape marked by rising CKD prevalence and escalating healthcare costs, Metyos emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a transformative approach to disease management that holds promise for millions worldwide.