Women Leading Charge: Gender Climate Award Announces 2024 Winners

The recipients of the esteemed Pakistan Gender Climate Award 2024 are Qandeel Rehman (Climate Action), Umbreen Arif (Green Business), and Khalida Niaz (Young Climate Journalism).

In celebration of International Women’s Day, a consortium including the Embassy of France, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the European Union Delegation, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC) have proudly unveiled the victors of the second iteration of the Gender Climate Award. This accolade aims to spotlight the dedication and leadership of women in combating climate change across three distinct categories: climate action, green business, and young climate journalism.

The recipients of the esteemed Pakistan Gender Climate Award 2024 are Qandeel Rehman (Climate Action), Umbreen Arif (Green Business), and Khalida Niaz (Young Climate Journalism). Each awardee is set to receive PKR 1.2 million, an allocation intended to propel their endeavors forward and deepen the intersection between gender and climate within their respective spheres of influence.

The Pakistan Gender Climate Award 2024 endeavors to illuminate the contributions of Pakistani women, recognizing their leadership and impact as equal stakeholders in driving change. Women in Pakistan, known for their dynamism and resourcefulness, operate across a spectrum of fields encompassing civil society, academia, science, media, business, and beyond.

Central to the award’s ethos is the acknowledgment that climate change is not gender-neutral; rather, it disproportionately affects women and girls, exacerbating existing inequalities.

With discrepancies in opportunities and access, climate change poses a substantial threat to women’s livelihoods, health, and overall well-being. The indispensable role played by women in agriculture and natural resource management underscores the necessity of harnessing their potential in the battle against climate change.

Aisha Khan, Executive Director of the Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC), remarked, “Women are the future changemakers. They adapt, conserve, and nurture. Despite social and cultural constraints, their capacities and pivotal roles have often gone unrecognized. It is imperative to shed light on their strengths and leverage their knowledge and skills to navigate the climate crisis. Investing in women today will illuminate our collective tomorrows.”

A nationwide call for applications was initiated across the three categories to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Submissions underwent rigorous evaluation by a jury comprising representatives from the Embassy of France, AFD, the EU Delegation, UNDP, and CSCCC.

The award ceremony is slated to take place on May 8, 2024, in commemoration of the winners’ exemplary efforts.