Open Cosmos' HAMMER Satellite Puts AI to Work in Space

The launch of HAMMER heralds a new era in Earth observation, leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to deliver actionable insights with unprecedented speed and precision.

UK-based space technology startup Open Cosmos has achieved a significant milestone with the successful launch of its latest creation: a cutting-edge AI-powered satellite named HAMMER (Hyperspectral AI for Marine Monitoring and Emergency Response). This innovative satellite, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, was sent into orbit on Monday, marking a pivotal moment in Earth observation technology.

HAMMER’s primary objective is to provide near real-time high-resolution imaging of the Earth, particularly focusing on the Atlantic Ocean region. This capability is poised to revolutionize how authorities monitor the marine environment and respond to natural disasters promptly.

Central to HAMMER’s groundbreaking functionality is artificial intelligence. Unlike traditional Earth observation satellites that transmit images back to Earth for processing, which can be a time-consuming process spanning days or weeks, HAMMER is equipped with an onboard image processor powered by AI inference. This enables the satellite to process and transmit data within minutes, a feat referred to as “live Earth intelligence”.

In a remarkable first, this data can be accessed through a mobile application, allowing for seamless interaction and decision-making.

Sean Mitchell, the chief commercial officer at Ubotica, an Irish company involved in developing the AI system, elucidated, “The two-way communication allows them to send commands back to the satellite, requesting closer observations or directing it to new areas.”

HAMMER boasts a state-of-the-art hyperspectral camera, capable of capturing images across hundreds of narrow spectral bands. This feature enables the satellite to discern intricate details, including the chemical composition of objects. It can detect chemical signatures such as potential oil spills or ascertain the material makeup of structures, enhancing its utility in various scenarios.

Oriol Aragon Casaled, the mission manager at Open Cosmos, highlighted the significance of HAMMER’s advanced capabilities, stating, “The inclusion of a hyperspectral camera and AI board ensure the most advanced imaging in the market.”

While HAMMER is currently dedicated to marine missions, its creators envision a myriad of potential applications for future iterations. These include precision agriculture, monitoring energy infrastructure, and enhancing land-based disaster response efforts.

Open Cosmos, buoyed by its recent success, is poised for further expansion. The company secured a substantial $50 million in funding late last year, earmarked for scaling up operations, developing larger satellites, and potentially deploying whole constellations. Additionally, the company is actively working on a satellite data analytics platform named DataCosmos, poised to further augment its capabilities in space-based technology.

The launch of HAMMER heralds a new era in Earth observation, leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to deliver actionable insights with unprecedented speed and precision. As Open Cosmos continues to push the boundaries of space technology, the possibilities for leveraging satellite data for the betterment of humanity are boundless.