Pakistani Climate Advocates Receive Gender Just Solutions Award At COP28

The Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards recognize and celebrate grassroots initiatives addressing the climate crisis while championing gender equality.

Pakistani Climate Advocates Receive Gender Just Solutions Award At COP28

Ayesha Amin, Founder and CEO of Baithak-Challenging Taboos, and Hira Amjad, Founder and Executive Director of DASTAK Foundation, have been honored with the prestigious Gender Just Solutions Award at COP28 in Dubai for their remarkable contributions to climate and gender justice within grassroots communities in Pakistan.

The Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, a highly anticipated event at each Conference of the Parties (COP), recognize and celebrate grassroots initiatives addressing the climate crisis while championing gender equality. Amin and Amjad’s initiatives exemplify climate-resilient and transformative development models that deliver both social and environmental benefits, aligning with the imperative to achieve the 1.5-degree target by 2030.

The awards were bestowed during an official, high-level ceremony at the 28th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, attended by ministers from Germany and Chile, global activists, and civil society leaders.

DASTAK Foundation and Baithak garnered recognition for their collective response following the devastating floods in Pakistan in 2023. In collaboration, they distributed menstrual kits, prenatal kits, and safety kits to more than 30,000 girls and women across the country. Their advocacy efforts and the co-authored Gender Inclusive Climate Action (GiCA) Toolkit were pivotal in securing the prestigious award.

The GiCA Toolkit is a comprehensive knowledge product designed to make climate action gender-responsive and inclusive. Its practical recommendations address the urgent need for gender-inclusive approaches in climate crisis response and mitigation efforts. A global version of the toolkit is slated for launch at the sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN Headquarters next year.

In their acceptance speech, Ayesha Amin and Hira Amjad emphasized the critical importance of integrating grassroots communities into policy-making spaces. They underscored the urgency of prioritizing the needs of girls and women in climate action, stressing the pivotal role that grassroots initiatives play in creating impactful and sustainable change.

The Gender Just Solutions Award not only recognizes the exemplary work of Ayesha Amin and Hira Amjad but also highlights the significance of localized efforts in driving climate justice. By addressing the specific needs of communities affected by climate change, these grassroots initiatives contribute to building resilience and fostering inclusive, equitable, and sustainable solutions.

As COP28 continues to serve as a global platform for discussions on climate action, the recognition of DASTAK Foundation and Baithak sets a precedent for acknowledging the crucial role played by grassroots leaders and their initiatives in shaping a more sustainable and gender-inclusive future. The award serves as a testament to the impact that community-driven efforts can have in the collective pursuit of climate justice and gender equality.