North American Wolverine Listed As Threatened Species

The North American wolverine has been officially declared a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

North American Wolverine Listed As Threatened Species

The North American wolverine has been officially declared a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This announcement, made on Wednesday, is a response to the escalating climate crisis that is rapidly eroding the snowy mountain habitats crucial for the survival of these elusive creatures.

The decision to list wolverines as threatened in the contiguous US is a response to the growing concerns raised by scientists about the impact of warming temperatures on the mountain snowpack, which serves as a vital resource for the wolverines for food, reproduction, and overall survival.

Hugh Morrison, the Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Regional Director, emphasized the urgent need for action, stating, “Current and increasing impacts of climate change and associated habitat degradation and fragmentation are imperiling the North American wolverine.”

The inclusion of wolverines in the threatened species list triggers legal protections under various environmental laws, preventing further decline in their population. Additionally, it promotes enhanced conservation efforts and encourages more scientific research to better understand and protect this vulnerable species.

Wolverines, with a habitat spanning vast areas of North America, face challenges as their snow-adapted environments diminish. While populations in Alaska and Canada remain relatively healthy, sightings in the contiguous US have become increasingly rare. Last summer, a rare trio of wolverines was spotted in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, marking a significant event as the species had not been sighted in the region between 2008 and 2018.

The threat to wolverines is exacerbated by projections from federal scientists in 2018, indicating a substantial decline in spring snow due to climate change. Another study in 2020 highlighted the potential impact of higher temperatures on the wolverines’ ability to store food resources, with decreased storage life and increased competition from species adapted to warmer climates.

Calls for federal protections have echoed among conservationists and scientists for years, leading to legal action by environmental groups like the Center for Biological Diversity. Despite initial rejections of protection proposals in 2020 under former President Donald Trump, a federal judge in 2022 compelled the Biden administration to reach a final decision on the matter.

Expressing relief at the decision, Andrea Zaccardi, the carnivore conservation legal director at the Center for Biological Diversity, emphasized the significance of aligning decisions with scientific evidence. “I’m thrilled that the Fish and Wildlife Service is finally following the science by granting wolverines the federal protections they need to survive and recover,” she stated.

In a related development, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comments on an interim rule that would provide exemptions for cases where humans may accidentally harm the species through lawful trapping, research-related activities, or forest management activities aimed at reducing wildfire risk. Balancing conservation efforts with human activities remains a crucial aspect of the ongoing dialogue surrounding the protection of the North American wolverine.