COMSATS Achieved Milestone By Elected To ANSO Governing Board

COMSATS has achieved a significant milestone by being elected as a Member of the Governing Board of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO).

COMSATS Achieved Milestone By Elected To ANSO Governing Board

The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), an international inter-governmental organization, has achieved a significant milestone by being elected as a Member of the Governing Board of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO).

This decision was reached during the 3rd ANSO General Assembly, convened in Chongqing, China, on November 4-5, 2023. Among the six distinguished members of the ANSO Governing Board are two Centres of Excellence affiliated with COMSATS: the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK), Türkiye, and the National Research Centre (NRC), Egypt.

ANSO, as an international scientific organization based in China, is closely aligned with China’s ambitious ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, which aims for mutual development and the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ANSO’s membership encompasses a diverse range of research institutes, international organizations, and academic institutions, with COMSATS holding a prominent position as one of its esteemed members.

Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, the Executive Director of COMSATS, actively participated in the 3rd ANSO General Assembly. He provided valuable insights on ANSO’s future development strategy and priorities.

Expressing his gratification on COMSATS’ election to the ANSO Governing Board, Dr. Zakaria pledged to play an engaged and influential role in this capacity.

Among the responsibilities of the ANSO Governing Board are the formulation of the organization’s annual plan, the execution of decisions made by the General Assembly, the approval of programs, activities, and budgets, as well as the facilitation of fundraising initiatives.

During his week-long sojourn in China, Ambassador Zakaria conducted productive meetings with prominent figures in the field of science and technology. These included Mr. Yin Hejun, Minister & Secretary CPC Leading Group for Ministry of Science & Technology of China, Prof. Rahma Ibrahim, Minister of Higher Education, Research & Innovations of Oman, Mr. Hem Vanddy, Cambodia’s Minister for Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, and Mr. Bonginkosi Emmanuel Nzimande, Minister of Science and Innovations of South Africa.

In addition, Amb. Zakaria engaged in constructive discussions with heads and high-ranking officials from ANSO and other esteemed international partner organizations. Further, he is slated to participate in several high-level forums focusing on science and technology exchange, as well as hold meetings with senior officials from key scientific institutions in China.