Nordic Roadmap Project To Lead Global Maritime Industry To Sustainability

The Nordic maritime sector is moving toward a zero-emission future by 2030 thanks to the innovative Nordic Roadmap project, which is led by DNV.

Nordic Roadmap Project To Lead Global Maritime Industry To Sustainability

The Nordic maritime sector is moving toward a zero-emission future by 2030 thanks to the innovative Nordic Roadmap project, which is led by DNV. This ambitious undertaking, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, brings together key stakeholders from across the Nordic region to forge a path towards zero-emission fuels.

Since 2015, DNV has been at the forefront, managing the Norwegian Green Shipping Programme (GSP), which has already led to the realization of several zero-emission routes in Norway, including the pioneering Yara Birkeland and ASKO’s autonomous “sea drones.” This success has provided a solid foundation for the Nordic Roadmap project, extending its reach to all Nordic countries.

The project’s primary focus is on ammonia, hydrogen, and methanol as fuels, which will be assessed in initial green shipping corridor pilot studies. Safety considerations are paramount, with reports meticulously examining the unique properties of these fuels to ensure safe operation.

Dorthe Alida Slotvik, Consultant in Environment Advisory at DNV Maritime, emphasizes, “The focus is to overcome key barriers for the uptake of zero-emission fuels and to accelerate the decarbonization of Nordic shipping.”

The Nordic Fuel Transition Roadmap, a strategic action plan with the main goal of achieving zero-emission Nordic shipping by 2050, will be a pivotal document emerging from this project. It will draw upon technical knowledge, practical experience from pilot studies, and inputs from governments and industry partners.

The project also addresses the “chicken and egg” dilemma, tackling issues like the high cost of zero-emission fuels, low availability, and lack of bunkering infrastructure. Green shipping corridors emerge as a solution, creating demand, securing commitments, and encouraging investments in infrastructure.

Øyvind Endresen, Senior Principal Consultant at DNV and project manager of the Nordic Roadmap project, emphasizes, “We believe that green shipping corridors will kick-start the transition and further scale to green shipping networks or areas, and then, hopefully, a global uptake of zero-emission fuels.”

With 81 potential green shipping corridors identified and six promising routes shortlisted, the project is already on track to revolutionize the maritime industry. The knowledge base and reports generated by the Nordic Roadmap project are freely available to aid the development of green shipping corridors worldwide.

As the 2020s emerge as the pivotal decade for achieving decarbonization ambitions, the Nordic Roadmap project stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a sustainable and emission-free maritime future.