SIFC Urged To Prioritize Saline Water Irrigation For Enhanced Food Security

Altaf Shakoor, Chairman of Pasban Democratic Party has advocated for the implementation of saline water irrigation in Thar and other desert regions with saltwater lakes.

SIFC Urged To Prioritize Saline Water Irrigation For Enhanced Food Security

Altaf Shakoor, Chairman of Pasban Democratic Party (PDP), has advocated for the implementation of saline water irrigation in Thar and other desert regions with saltwater lakes.

This initiative of implementation of saline water irrigation , he contends, holds the potential to transform these arid lands into fertile grain-producing areas. Shakoor emphasized that the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) should redirect its attention towards this critical endeavor.

Highlighting successful global examples of using saline water for agriculture with salt-tolerant seed varieties, Shakoor pointed to reports of a wheat research institute in Pakistan achieving a breakthrough in producing such seeds.

Regrettably, this promising project seems to have been relegated to the sidelines for undisclosed reasons. Similarly, the fate of salt-tolerant seed varieties imported by the Sindh government remains unknown.

Shakoor underscored the presence of Shakoor Lake in the Thar Desert, along with several smaller saltwater lakes in Achro Thar, which could serve as valuable resources for saline water agriculture.

The region’s scorching climate, he added, also offers the potential for substantial solar energy production, capable of sustaining the demands of saltwater farming on a self-sufficient local scale. What is required, Shakoor stated, is a concerted governmental focus and investment, preferably from the private sector.

He asserted that the SIFC holds a pivotal role in inviting potential investors to explore this untapped and lucrative sector of saline water farming in Pakistan. Shakoor advocated for the revival of previous research initiatives aimed at developing saltwater-resistant seeds in Pakistan.

He called upon agricultural universities and institutions in the country to collaborate in creating new seed varieties for wheat, paddy, olive, and other crops, specifically tailored for utilization in barren desert and coastal areas where seawater or saline water lakes are present.

Shakoor urged the governments of Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, and other relevant stakeholders to actively contribute to the promotion of saline water farming. However, he stressed that the primary responsibility lies with the SIFC to unlock the vast potential within this highly profitable agricultural sector.

Furthermore, Shakoor highlighted that saline water lakes could also be harnessed for fisheries, with their water suitable for human consumption and other purposes after desalination through solar energy.

He concluded by affirming that with the SIFC’s dedicated attention, Pakistan could leverage its extensive coastline and deserts to achieve self-sufficiency in food production. This endeavor, he emphasized, would not only curb soaring food prices but also fortify the nation’s food security.