Arab Youth Technology Fellowship Programme Unveils Its Third Cohort

The cohort comprises 30 young individuals from 12 Arab nations, meticulously selected from a pool of hundreds of applicants to partake in this latest edition.

Arab Youth Technology Fellowship Programme Unveils Its Third Cohort

Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Theyab bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the Arab Youth Centre, the Arab Youth Centre has introduced the members of the third edition of the Arab Youth Technology Fellowship Programme.

Arab Youth Technology Fellowship Programme, commencing with the utilization of visual communication technology, is geared towards empowering and advancing the skills of emerging talents in specialized areas of advanced technology, artificial intelligence applications, and the digital economy. It operates in close collaboration with over 30 strategic partners on regional and global scales.

The current edition, spanning the next three weeks, revolves around three central themes: technology, sustainability, and climate change.

It endeavors to heighten awareness among youth regarding the pivotal role of technology in attaining sustainable development objectives. This becomes especially pertinent as the UAE gears up to host the forthcoming COP28 conference, with an aim to realize the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Vice President of the Arab Youth Centre, underscored the significance of the programme and its dedication to nurturing the potential and competencies of youth. It aims to foster innovative leaders across various domains of modern technology, propelling sustainable development efforts.

Notably, the programme places a spotlight on innovative solutions for environmental preservation and mitigating the impacts of climate change, positioning Arab youth prominently on the global climate action stage.

He stated, “Arab countries are rich in fresh talent capable of competing in various fields, especially technology, which is witnessing rapid and constant change. Through the centre, we work to provide a conducive environment that unites youth, field experts and companies to work collaboratively. Previous editions of the programme have demonstrated an institutional eagerness to aid exceptional talent and nurture their potential. This also helps youth refine their skills in time for entering the job market and other entrepreneurial projects.”

The cohort comprises 30 young individuals from 12 Arab nations, meticulously selected from a pool of hundreds of applicants to partake in this latest edition. Among these outstanding participants are specialists in technology, environmental science, and sustainability.

These participants not only excel in the technology sector but have also made commendable contributions to sustainability through technological innovations. They hail from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Mauritania, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, and Syria.

Over 120 companies have expressed their wholehearted endorsement for this edition, hosted in strategic partnership with the E-Youth platform for honing youth capabilities. This includes a diverse array of regional and international companies such as Amazon, Mohammed bin Zayed University for Artificial Intelligence, General Motors, Falcon Drone Company, VMS Studio, University of Sharjah, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Achievements Company, Huawei, West Marsh, United Nations Foundation, World Food Programme, Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, Coca-Cola HBC, the International Climate Change Agency, the Artificial Intelligence Office, the Brain-Pad Educational Platform for Programming and Electronics, and the Cybersecurity Council.

This edition promises to deliver over 80 specialized training sessions, lectures, and an extensive 500 hours of guidance and training provided by expert trainers and leaders in advanced technology fields. Additionally, the programme encompasses interactive sessions with experts and specialists in the domains of artificial intelligence and programming.