Natural Organic Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach To Resilient Agriculture

In a world struggling with environmental problems, organic farming has become a beacon of hope for sustainable food production.

Natural Organic Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach To Resilient Agriculture

In a world struggling with environmental problems, organic farming has become a beacon of hope for sustainable food production. Modern agriculture faces many challenges, from deteriorating soil health to biodiversity loss and the impacts of climate change.

In response, there is growing interest in natural agriculture, an innovative and sustainable approach that draws inspiration from natural ecosystems to promote regenerative and resilient agricultural systems.

A doctrine and a strategy for farming is sustainable agriculture. It gives a set of values and shows jovial and ecological validation. Natural organic farming economizes all aids that will be conducted by biological processes and gives management strategies.

It also lessens junk and environmental deterioration by improving farm yields. Natural organic farming schemes are concocted to produce leading miracles of living soil nutrients, energy, and soil microorganisms for food illustration. This sustainable strategy pleasingly aims to evoke nutritious grain without spoiling human vigour.


Natural organic farming is farming in endurable modes, which indicates present edibles and fabric needs without making a consensus on the power for contemporary or future generations to encounter their needs. It can be founded on an acquaintance with ecosystem services.

The history of natural organic agriculture is a tale of returning to ancient and time-tested farming practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and sustainability. While the term “organic agriculture” as we know it today is relatively recent, the principles and methods behind it have ancient roots.

Here’s a brief history of the development of natural organic agriculture:

Ancient Agricultural Practices:

The origins of natural organic agriculture can be traced back to the agricultural practices of ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese. These early farmers relied on natural techniques like composting, crop rotation, and the use of animal manure for soil enrichment.

Traditional and Indigenous Farming:

Throughout history, traditional and indigenous farming communities around the world have practiced agriculture in harmony with nature. They employed techniques such as intercropping, polyculture, agroforestry, and the use of beneficial insects for pest control, all of which promoted biodiversity and sustainable land use.

20th-Century Concerns:

The mid-20th century marked a turning point in agriculture with the introduction of synthetic chemicals, mechanization, and the Green Revolution. While these innovations led to increased food production, they also raised concerns about the environmental and health impacts of modern agricultural practices.

Emergence of Organic Farming Movements:

In response to these concerns, organic farming movements began to gain momentum. Visionaries such as Sir Albert Howard, Lady Eve Balfour, and J.I. Rodale played pivotal roles in promoting organic farming principles and advocating for a return to natural, sustainable farming practices.

Early Organic Farming Organizations:

The Organic Farming Association (OFA) in the United States, founded in 1942, and the Soil Association in the United Kingdom, established in 1946 by Lady Eve Balfour, were among the first organizations to advocate for organic farming principles and certification.

Development of Organic Standards:

In the 1970s and 1980s, various countries and regions developed organic farming standards and certification programs. These standards provided guidelines for what could be labeled as “organic” and helped consumers identify products grown without synthetic chemicals.

Global Expansion:

The organic farming movement continued to grow in popularity as consumers became more conscious of the environmental and health impacts of conventional agriculture. Organic farming has expanded globally, with organic products available in most markets.


Natural organic farming is a strategy of planting eco-friendly scenarios and understanding and bolstering the connection between living organisms and the environment. In this process, farming and animal husbandry are combined to form coincidental processes and techniques. Sustainability enhances the quality of our lives, saves our ecosystem, improves soil fertility, and conserves natural resources for future use.

Techniques of Natural Agriculture:

Different methods put forward in sustainable agriculture:

Crop Rotation:

In sustainable agriculture, it is one of the most influential techniques. Its main goal is to detour the effects that occur from planting identical crops in comparable soil for years. It assists in tackling pest issues, as numerous pests, like specific crops,

If the pest has a persistent food supply, they can extensively improve their dimensions of inhabitation. Rotation also cracks the recurrence pest cycle. Growers produce such crops, which refill plant nutrients during pest rotation. So, these crops ameliorate the requirements for chemical fertilizers.

Cover Crops:

Most growers prefer to cultivate crops at all times in a field and never leave it barren; this can provoke unintentional outcomes. Through cover cropping such as oats, the farmer can accomplish his goals of suppressing weed development, preventing soil deterioration, and enriching soil quality parameters. The services of cover crops also ameliorate the demand for chemicals such as fertilizers.

Green Manuring:

Green manuring is the most important technique introduced in sustainable agriculture. “An exercise of plowing in the green plant tissues cultivated in a farm field or putting in green plants with tender leaves or twigs from externals or incorporating them into the soil for improving the physical status and fertility of the soil.”

Pakistani soil is deficient in phosphorus and nitrogen, both elements, which is why we add fertilizers to fulfill the need for these elements in our soil. So, through green manuring techniques, soil structure improves without adding fertilizers, and nitrogen requirements of about 80kg per ha are also fulfilled.
Also, through green manuring, losses of nitrogen will be prevented from leaching and erosion. The growth of crops is also quick.

Green manuring is of two types:

  • Green manuring in leaf (give twigs and green leaf application from anywhere)
  • Green manuring in situ (growing such plants that belong to the leguminous family, then incorporating them into the soil after sufficient growth, that is, before and after flowering time)


A process in which we apply layers of organic and inorganic materials to the soil to conserve water and improve plant health. Mulching is a strategy in which the coating of the soil surface around the plants with organic or synthetic mulch occurs to produce optimistic conditions for plant development and proficient crop production or exposition. We can do mulching according to its type, selection, and techniques.

Poly-culture Farming:

A technique of natural organic farming that is the same as crop rotation and attempts to mimic natural codes to attain adequate results. It entangles producing multiple crop species in one area.

These species usually supplement each other and assist in growing a tremendous diversity of derivatives on one plot while entirely using obtainable resources. This system is preferable due to its high biodiversity, which makes it more resilient to weather changes by promoting a balanced diet to conserve soil fertility.


Agroforestry is an effective tool for growers in those regions where soil is sensitive to desertification. It implicates the development of shrubs and trees among grazing land, incorporating farming and forestry procedures for productive, long-lasting, and maximum land use when hovered sustainably.

Trees have a significant role in sustaining favorable temperatures and soil humidity, reducing nutrient runoff, and defending crops from heavy rain. Trees are also a good source of income for growers.

Advantages of Natural Organic Agriculture:

Organic farming practices focus on building and maintaining healthy soils through techniques like composting, cover cropping, and reduced tillage. This results in increased soil organic matter, better structure, and improved nutrient retention.

  1. Organic farming avoids the use of pesticides, herbicides, and inorganic fertilizers. This reduces chemical pollution in the environment, protects water quality, and minimizes damage to non-target organisms.
  2. Organic farms tend to support greater biodiversity by creating diverse ecosystems with a variety of plant and animal species. This promotes natural pest control, pollination, and overall ecosystem resilience.
  3. By reducing the use of synthetic chemicals and promoting sustainable practices, organic farming decreases the negative environmental impacts associated with conventional agriculture, including soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat destruction.
  4. Organic crops often have better taste, flavor, and nutritional content compared to their conventionally grown counterparts. This can result in a higher market value for organic produce.
  5. Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), making organic products safer for both farm workers and consumers.
  6. Organic farming practices, such as cover cropping and reduced tillage, can sequester carbon in the soil and help mitigate climate change.
  7. Organic farming supports healthier ecosystems by minimizing the negative impacts of agriculture on surrounding natural habitats and wildlife.
  8. Organic farming systems often incorporate natural pest and disease control methods, such as crop rotation and habitat for beneficial insects, reducing the need for chemical interventions.
  9. As consumer awareness of health and environmental issues grows, there is a steadily increasing demand for organic products. This demand can create economic opportunities for organic farmers.
  10. Organic farming reduces the risk of pesticide exposure for farm workers, leading to improved occupational health and safety.
  11. Organic farming relies on organic matter, crop rotation, and natural systems for fertility and pest control, reducing dependence on external inputs and decreasing production costs over time.
  12. Organic farming often fosters a deeper connection between farmers and the land. It encourages a more holistic understanding of ecosystems and promotes responsible land stewardship.

Disadvantages of Natural Organic Agriculture:

  1. Organic farming often produces lower crop yields compared to conventional farming. This can be due to factors such as reduced nutrient availability and greater susceptibility to pests and diseases.
  2. The transition from conventional to organic agriculture can be challenging and time-consuming. During this period, which typically lasts three years or more, farmers must adhere to organic practices but may not yet receive the premium prices associated with organic products.
  3. Organic products often fetch higher prices on the market. However, these prices can fluctuate, and farmers may have difficulty finding stable markets for their organic products.
  4. Organic farming relies on mechanical and cultural methods for weed control rather than synthetic herbicides. This can be labour-intensive and may require more time and effort to manage weeds effectively.
  5. Organic farming relies on integrated pest management (IPM) techniques and biological controls, which may not always be as effective or quick as synthetic chemical treatments, leading to potential crop losses.
  6. Successful organic farming requires a deep understanding of organic practices and principles. Farmers need training and access to information to effectively implement these methods.
  7. Achieving and maintaining organic certification can be costly, involving fees, paperwork, and regular inspections. This can be a burden for small-scale farmers.
  8. Organic farming may not be suitable for all types of crops and livestock. Some species or varieties may be more challenging to grow organically.
  9. Transitioning to organic farming may require an initial investment in infrastructure, equipment, and soil improvement practices, which can be a barrier for some farmers.
  10. Organic farming practices may be more vulnerable to extreme weather events and climate change impacts due to their reliance on natural processes.
  11. While organic products are perceived as healthier and more environmentally friendly, they often come with a higher price tag, limiting their accessibility for some consumers.
  12. Organic farmers may have difficulty finding appropriate sales and marketing channels for their products and meeting the need for consistent and timely delivery.


Natural organic farming is fruitful because it manipulates the land, reduces putrefaction containers in the regular food supply, and promotes provincial societies. Technology has enhanced the development of sustainable farming, and with new inventions coming out at every juncture, the destiny of natural organic farming will continue to germinate.

This article is jointly authored by Muhammad Hammad Tariq, Hassan Akbar, Malaika Tahir, Eisha Habib, Ahmad Bilal, and Labiba Ansar.

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