PITB's e-Fertilizer Distribution System Benefits 177,000 Farmers

For the Punjab Agriculture Department, the e-Fertilizer Distribution System was developed by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB).

PITB's e-Fertilizer Distribution System Benefits 177,000 Farmers

For the Punjab Agriculture Department, the e-Fertilizer Distribution System was developed by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB).

It was revealed at a meeting presided over by PITB Chairman Faisal Yousaf that the system had made it possible to sell more than nine million bags of urea fertiliser. Additionally, 9,700 dealers have registered on the platform in significant numbers.

A staggering 177,000 people have already benefited from the system, which has proven to be very advantageous for farmers. With the help of the e-Fertilizer Distribution System, Punjabi farmers now have quick and effective access to fertiliser.

Farmers, dealers, and agricultural staff have all praised Distribution System. They claim that the system has made buying fertiliser simpler and has contributed to ensuring that fertiliser is distributed fairly.

In the meeting, it was disclosed that the system had been created to make purchasing fertiliser easier for farmers, dealers, and agricultural staff in Punjab while also guaranteeing timely availability of high-quality fertilisers and price control.

Additionally, based on the farmer’s land and crops, the Distribution System automatically retrieves the farmer’s information from the e-Gardawri Database System and sends the concerned farmer the details of the allocated quota.

Chairman Faisal Yousaf made a comment to this effect, stating that this tool is a hassle-free procedure that ensures fertiliser distribution equality while saving time and money.

The efforts of the PITB and the Punjab Agriculture Department are demonstrated by the success of the e-Fertilizer Distribution System. The system has assisted in enhancing Punjab’s fertiliser distribution system’s effectiveness and transparency.

The following are a few advantages of the e-Fertilizer Distribution System:

  • It guarantees that farmers can obtain the fertiliser they require promptly.
  • It aids in avoiding systemic corruption in the distribution of fertiliser.
  • It facilitates communication between farmers, dealers, and agriculture staff.
  • Time and money are saved.

A useful tool that is assisting Punjab’s agricultural industry in getting better is the e-Fertilizer Distribution System.