NUST Hosts Strategic Planning Workshop For Department Chairs

The workshop was attended by 30 department chairs from 16 HESSA partner universities and was hosted by the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Islamabad.

NUST Hosts Strategic Planning Workshop For Department Chairs

In support of USAID’s Higher Education System Strengthening Activity (HESSA), the University of Utah organised a 3-day training workshop for department chairs at public universities on strategic planning.

The workshop was attended by 30 department chairs from 16 HESSA partner universities and was hosted by the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Islamabad.

These institutions have joined forces with HESSA, an initiative of USAID, to improve their capacity for producing and disseminating market-driven instruction and research that will increase graduates’ employability.

The department leadership prepared strategic plans for their respective sections, developed mission and vision statements and core values, and developed goals and performance indicators to measure the success of their departments with the help of Dr. Mike Barber from the University of Utah and Dr. Sajjad Ahmad from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

This training, which built on the previous batch, concentrated on the skills needed to be a successful leader with a visionary approach to long-term improvement in faculty and student success.

Dr. Mike Barber welcomed the professors from the 16 partner universities of HESSA and described the project’s goals and effects in his opening remarks. Dr. Osman Hasan, Pro Rector Academics at NUST, extended a warm welcome to all visitors and thanked USAID for its ongoing assistance in advancing higher education in the nation and for inviting foreign experts to all of its trainings.

Additional resources for this workshop include online one-on-one consultations and a trip to the University of Utah in the United States. With the help of this extended training programme, HESSA hopes to create a pool of trainers who can support the development of university administration’s capacity and facilitate change within their own institutions and beyond.

HESSA is a USAID-funded initiative with the goal of bringing about long-lasting changes in higher education. It also collaborates with Pakistani universities to implement global best practices in governance, teaching, and research. For more information on USAID/Pakistan’s support in the education sector, visit: