Shahzain Afridi, has been recognised for his outstanding academic achievements with the prestigious US Presidential Education Award 2023.

Shahzain Afridi, a student originally from Quetta, Pakistan, who is now an American citizen, has been recognised for his outstanding academic achievements with the prestigious US Presidential Education Award 2023.

Up until the eighth grade, Shahzain consistently held the top spot in his class while attending the Philip G. Vroom School in New Jersey.

Shahzain has been given a scholarship to attend a renowned high-tech school in New Jersey in honour of his exceptional academic achievement. With the help of this chance, he can continue his education without worrying about money.

Shahzain, who comes from the Quetta Afridi family, credits his mother’s leadership and perseverance for his success.

Notably, Aishal, Shahzain’s older sister, also received the US President’s Education Award 2023 in honour of her exceptional academic achievements.

The United States President and the United States Secretary of Education present awards through the President’s Education Awards Program (PEAP). Founded in 1983, PEAP. The program’s goal is to honour elementary, middle, and high school students for their academic accomplishments.

The principal of the participating school has the sole discretion to present either the President’s Award for Educational Excellence or the President’s Award for Educational Achievement.

Students must be enrolled in elementary, middle, or high school, and they must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 to be eligible for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. They need to demonstrate a strong record of academic excellence, perform at a certain level on state exams, or get a teacher’s recommendation.

The President’s Award for Educational Excellence winners will each get a free certificate with a gold seal. For an additional cost, pins based on the student’s grade level (elementary, middle, and high school) can be ordered.

The President’s Award for Educational Achievement winners will each get a free certificate with a silver seal. With an additional charge, pins can be ordered. The President’s Award for Educational Achievement, in contrast to the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, comes with a single pin for all grade levels.