The Federal Minister for IT presided over the NITB’s 4th meeting, which was held at the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT).

The National Information Technology Board (NITB) has been urged by the Federal Minister for IT & Telecom to effectively market its products both domestically and abroad so that Made in Pakistan can be recognised as a distinctive brand on a global scale.

The Federal Minister for IT presided over the NITB’s 4th meeting, which was held at the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT).

Babar Majid Bhatti, the recently elected CEO of NITB, was welcomed by the chairman and board members. The board also received an update on the actions taken in the first 45 days by the CEO, who started on April 10 and had a clear vision for how to improve each sector.

On this occasion, the Federal Minister for IT gave the CEO instructions that there should be no compromise on merit, that those who work hard in the organisation should be rewarded, and that no action could be taken outside of the bounds of the law.

In light of his abilities, expertise, and global experience, he hoped that the CEO would lead NITB to its intended location.

The organization’s responsibilities have grown since receiving its autonomy, according to the federal minister of IT.

In this situation, NITB should effectively market its products both domestically and internationally so that Made in Pakistan can be recognised as a distinctive brand on a global scale.

After becoming an autonomous body, the NITB’s rules and regulations, ongoing projects, and upcoming projects were all thoroughly discussed in the meeting and sent to the appropriate Board committees for review.

Director General to Minister Aftab Rashid, Secretary IT Navid A. Shaikh, Secretary NTISB Mansoor Sehgal, JEA Science & Technology Zawwar Hussain, former Secretary Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui, Member IT Syed Junaid Imam, Director General to Minister Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui, Director General Telecom Faisal Ratiyal, and Director General to JEA assisted the board.