China Initiates Deployment Program Of AI Driven Scientific Research

This partnership between Zetrix, UM, and CAICT represents yet another major step in the direction of global collaboration in AI research.

China Initiates Deployment Program Of AI Driven Scientific Research

As part of their ongoing intergovernmental research collaboration, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), Zetrix, a Malaysian blockchain platform developer, and Universiti Malaya (UM), the nation’s top research university, will team up to develop cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

According to TS Wong, Group Managing Director of MYEG Services Bhd, “Our partnership with UM and CAICT continues to be instrumental in our journey towards leveraging 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies to transform cross-border trade and settlement” (“MYEG” 0138).”

“Our partnership with UM and CAICT continues to be instrumental in our journey towards leveraging 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies to transform cross-border trade and settlement,” says TS Wong, Group Managing Director of MYEG Services Bhd (“MYEG” 0138).

The project titled “Research on Key Issues of Transborder Blockchain Infrastructure and Pilot Applications” was chosen as a component of the intergovernmental collaboration between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China in the field of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The G2G programme of the Chinese government, started by the Ministry of Science and Technology, aims to promote collaborations in research between China and other nations. Malaysia, one of the 14 participating nations, is concentrating on using AI to streamline cross-border trade procedures, lowering inefficiencies and enhancing transaction simplicity and speed.

MYEG Services Bhd’s Group Managing Director, TS Wong, is excited about the expanded research focus on AI and Web 3.

Web3 provides an architecture for AI functionalities on authenticated digital assets, while UM and CAICT are instrumental in leveraging 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies for cross-border trade and settlement.

Dr. Saaidal Razalli Azzuhri, the principal investigator at UM, also emphasised the potential advantages of the expanded research initiative.

Dr. Azzuhri said, “The inclusion of AI into our ongoing research work opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. We anticipate that the synergistic use of blockchain and AI will produce innovations that significantly improve the speed and security of international trade.

This trilateral collaboration’s inclusion of AI is timely and comes as Zetrix continues to set the bar for the implementation of services that straddle blockchain and AI.

The W3C-compliant Digital Identity Service, which Zetrix successfully launched last month, allows online interactions with real people to be authenticated and separated from those with AI agents.

This partnership between Zetrix, UM, and CAICT represents yet another major step in the direction of global collaboration in AI research. It also acknowledges the value of cross-border trade advancement through international cooperation and knowledge sharing, which paves the way for a more interconnected, effective, and prosperous global economy.