Renewable Energy Storage Solution Unveils To Support Energy Transition

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) estimates that China’s installed power generation capacity will be 2,564.05 GW by the end of 2022.

Renewable Energy Storage Solution Unveils To Support Energy Transition

Xinhua, a state-run news outlet, cited a representative of the National Reform and Development Commission as saying on Monday that China’s installed non-fossil fuel energy sources now exceeds 50% of the country’s total installed capacity.

An early completion of a government target set in 2021, under which renewable capacity was expected to surpass fossil fuel capacity by 2025, is marked by the fact that non-fossil fuel energy sources, such as wind and solar power, make up 50.9% of the nation’s total installed capacity.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) estimates that China’s installed power generation capacity will be 2,564.05 GW by the end of 2022.

In an effort to meet a target of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030, China has recently invested significant resources in the construction of renewable energy capacity, constructing sizable wind, solar, and hydro plants in the west of the nation.

However, inconsistent resource use means that China’s energy consumption mix continues to be predominately composed of fossil fuels, particularly coal.

According to the NBS data, coal accounted for 56.2% of all energy consumption last year, while renewable sources, which include nuclear energy, accounted for 25.9%.

The National Bureau of Statistics is a deputy cabinet-level organisation that reports directly to the Chinese State Council. The bureau, which was established in August 1952, is in charge of gathering, examining, researching, and publishing statistics pertaining to the economy, population, and other facets of society in the country. Since 2016, Ning Jizhe has been the bureau’s commissioner.

The People’s Republic of China’s Statistics Law outlines the mandate and duties of the bureau. It is in charge of conducting research on the country’s overall statistics and supervising the activities of its regional counterparts.

It has 18 departments, manages 12 affiliated institutions, and directs 32 survey companies based in the appropriate provinces.