ASEAN Countries Urged To Form Regional Space Agency At Space Week

A regional space agency would provide a platform for ASEAN countries to share data and information, and to coordinate their space activities.

ASEAN Countries Urged To Form Regional Space Agency At Space Week

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should band together to build their own regional space agency, a Japanese space industry leader said on Tuesday, while addressing the 2023 Asean Space Week.

Axelspace Japan President and CEO Nakamura Yuya said that such a move would help to reduce the issues of cost and resources, which have always been a gray area when it comes to any space-related development project. “Instead of discussing and networking, maybe we could propose a big space project like Artemis.”

Artemis is a NASA program to return humans to the Moon by 2024. The program is estimated to cost $28 billion.

“ASEAN countries have different strengths and weaknesses in the space industry. By working together, we can pool our resources and expertise to create a more powerful and competitive space program,” Nakamura said.

He added that a regional space agency would also help to promote cooperation and collaboration between ASEAN countries, which would be beneficial for the region as a whole.

Nakamura’s comments come as ASEAN countries are increasingly looking to space for economic development and security purposes. In recent years, several ASEAN countries have launched their own satellites, and others are planning to do so in the near future.

Dr. Janet K. Tinoco, professor of management and marketing at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, agreed with Yuya. She said that Asean countries should “continue to strengthen their partnerships while working hand in hand in setting their regional space interest.”

Tinoco said that a regional space agency could help Asean countries to develop their own space capabilities. She said that it could also help Asean countries “participate in the global space economy.”

A regional space agency would provide a platform for ASEAN countries to share data and information, and to coordinate their space activities. This would be essential for the region to fully exploit the potential of space technology for economic development and security.

Nakamura’s call for an ASEAN space agency has been met with a positive response from some ASEAN countries. In a statement, the Malaysian Space Agency said that it is “open to the idea of working with other ASEAN countries to establish a regional space agency.”

The Indonesian Space Agency has also expressed its support for the idea, saying that it would “benefit the entire region.”

It remains to be seen whether ASEAN countries will be able to come together to establish a regional space agency. However, Nakamura’s call has reignited the debate on the issue, and it is possible that we may see an ASEAN space agency in the near future.

In addition to the economic and security benefits, a regional space agency could also help to promote scientific research and development in ASEAN countries. By pooling their resources, ASEAN countries could undertake more ambitious space projects that would be beyond the reach of any individual country.

This could lead to new discoveries and innovations that would benefit the entire region.

A regional space agency would also be a symbol of ASEAN unity and cooperation. It would show the world that ASEAN countries are committed to working together to achieve common goals.

This would be a positive message at a time when ASEAN is facing a number of challenges, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of China.

A regional space agency would be a valuable asset for ASEAN. It would help to promote economic development, security, scientific research, and cooperation. It would also be a symbol of ASEAN unity and strength.

The 2023 Asean Space Week was held in Langkawi, Malaysia, from May 23-27. The event was attended by representatives from 10 Asean countries.

The week-long event included a series of workshops, seminars, and exhibitions on a variety of space-related topics. The event also featured a keynote address by NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine.

In his address, Bridenstine said that Asean countries have a “bright future” in space exploration. He said that NASA is committed to working with Asean countries to “explore the universe together.”

The 2023 Asean Space Week was a major event for the Asean space community. The event highlighted the importance of space exploration for Asean countries and the potential benefits of cooperation between Asean countries in space.