Chinese Influencer Dies After Live-streaming Excessive Drinking

Influencers in China are under immense pressure to produce high-quality content and to attract a large number of followers.

Chinese Influencer Dies After Live-streaming Excessive Drinking

A Chinese influencer known as “Sanqiange” died on on May 16, 2023 after livestreaming himself drinking four bottles of baijiu, a Chinese spirit with an alcohol content of up to 60%. The incident has sparked a debate about the dangers of excessive drinking and the pressures of being an influencer in China.

“Sanqiange” or “Brother 3000”, whose real name was Wang Moufeng, was 34 years old and had over 1 million followers on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok. He was known for his videos about food, travel, and fashion. On the night of May 15, he began a livestream in which he drank four bottles of baijiu in a row. He appeared to be intoxicated and was slurring his words. He also vomited several times.

The livestream ended after about an hour, and Chinese influencer was found dead the following day. The cause of death was alcohol poisoning.

According to Zhao, Wang’s close friend, as reported by the Singapore English-language digital news portal, Wang was simply engaged in a competitive activity referred to as “PK-ing.” In the context of online gaming, “PK” signifies “player kill” and is commonly used in Chinese slang to describe a confrontation or challenge between multiple individuals. Similarly, the concept of PK is also employed in TikTok, where streamers engage in real-time competitions, with viewers determining the winner.

Another live streamer named “Grandpa Ming” provided further details about Wang’s drinking challenge last Saturday afternoon. “He participated in four rounds of PK in total. During the first round, he consumed one bottle. In the second round, he had two bottles along with three additional Red Bull energy drinks. He emerged victorious in the third round. In the fourth round, he consumed four bottles, making it a total of seven baijiu and three Red Bulls,” Grandpa Ming explained.

Sanqiange’s death has shocked and saddened many people in China. His fans have expressed their grief and condolences on social media. The incident has also raised concerns about the dangers of excessive drinking and the pressures of being an influencer in China.

Influencers in China are under immense pressure to produce high-quality content and to attract a large number of followers. This can lead to them making dangerous or unhealthy choices, such as excessive drinking. Sanqiange’s death is a tragic reminder of the dangers of this pressure.

The Chinese government has taken steps to address the problem of excessive drinking. In 2019, it introduced a new law that limits the number of drinks that can be sold in a single transaction. The government has also launched a public awareness campaign about the dangers of alcohol abuse.

However, more needs to be done to address the problem of excessive drinking in China. The government needs to work with businesses and social media platforms to create a more supportive environment for influencers. It also needs to provide more resources for people who are struggling with alcohol abuse.

Sanqiange’s death is a reminder that excessive drinking is a serious problem. It is important to be aware of the risks and to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse.